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RK3328 Kernel


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12 hours ago, dragonlost said:

someone would have a tuto or info to add a custom configuration of the hdmi port to the tinkkerboard  (u-boot)  ?

hdmi_timings need for my screen : 1200 0 100 24 52 1920 0 65 4 25 0 0 0 60 0 169000000 0

You probably don't need to do that in u-boot. Did you try adding the modeline with cvt + xrandr? Here is a tutorial in this link


If that doesn't work, you can also try to add a line like the following to the file /boot/armbianEnv.txt (if it does not exist, then create it):


Of course, changing the resolution according to your needs.

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19 hours ago, JMCC said:

You probably don't need to do that in u-boot. Did you try adding the modeline with cvt + xrandr? Here is a tutorial in this link


If that doesn't work, you can also try to add a line like the following to the file /boot/armbianEnv.txt (if it does not exist, then create it): 


Of course, changing the resolution according to your needs.



this screen work on my windows computer but in all my linux computer not work ( just rpi with config.txt). xrand and extraargs argument no have effect.

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31 minutes ago, dragonlost said:

this screen work on my windows computer but in all my linux computer not work ( just rpi with config.txt). xrand and extraargs argument no have effect.

What do you put in config.txt in your rpì?

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@TonyMac32 Probably I didn't explain my problem well.


When I run tinkerboard with armbian, I can NOT access the server through SSH or directly because HDMI doesn't work as well.


So I can't run the  armbianmonitor -u.



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It's impossible to debug without information beyond "it doesn't work". As far as the no SSH issue, that is very irregular. What kernel/image/etc? I'm guessing you don't have the ability to watch the debug UART?

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, JMCC said:

What do you put in config.txt in your rpì?


on my raspberry :


# 10.1 inch
hdmi_timings=1200 0 100 24 52 1920 0 65 4 25 0 0 0 60 0 169000000 0


finally I was able to test my home on my linux is it worked. But still not on the tinkerboard.

On my linux computer :

"1200x1920_59.87"  159.00  1200 1215 1216 1320  1920 1983 1985 2012  +HSync +VSync

I have to test this xrandr parameter in my tinkerboard.



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@martinayotte It's two different problems, of course.
1- I can't connect to port 22 (although ping works, so I have routing to the board).
2- I can't get any image on a monitor over HDMI. 

@TonyMac32 You are completely right. I know for you it's very difficult to help me with me just complaining "it doesn't work".
I hoped that someone here had a similar problem in the past and point me that I'm doing some kind of "rookie" mistake.


The armbian version I'm using was Armbian_5.35.171201_Tinkerboard_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.2 and similar desktop version. I tried more 1 or 2 older versions  from https://dl.armbian.com/tinkerboard/archive/ without success. 

I would say the problem was on my board but I got it working with tinkerOS (both ssh and HDMI)
So the problem is somewhere else... 

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22 minutes ago, João Cravo said:

1- I can't connect to port 22 (although ping works, so I have routing to the board).

I've seen a case where file system was corrupted, SSL certificate/keys file corrupted preventing the SSHD to start.

That could explain your issue ... To be sure, you need to log using USB-TTL Serial dongle and verify the log, especially "systemctl status ssh.service".


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I just tested the following ones
- Armbian_5.75_Tinkerboard_Debian_stretch_next_4.19.20
- Armbian_5.75_Tinkerboard_Ubuntu_bionic_next_4.19.20
- Armbian_5.75_Tinkerboard_Ubuntu_bionic_next_4.19.20_desktop

Always the same result as showed below :( 
I guess I will buy the USB-TTL Serial dongle and give it a try as @martinayotte suggested.

$ sudo nmap -sn
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-03-03 13:21 CET
Nmap scan report for tinkerboard.home (
Host is up (0.015s latency).
MAC Address: 88:D7:F6:C2:E3:ED (Asustek Computer)

$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=3.717 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.386 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=5.429 ms

$ nc -v 22
nc: connectx to port 22 (tcp) failed: Operation timed out


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What I sometimes do before I resort to the serial port:


If you are starting from sd-card, take it and insert it with a USB adapter on a linux pc. Mount it and look at /var/log to get some hints.


Perhaps put some diagnostic commands into /etc/rc.local, like "systemctl status ssh.service (with output into a file)" or whatever (like netstat -tlpen, is port even open?). Especially perhaps try to run "armbianmonitor -u" in there.


Reboot, and then take it to a pc again and look at the output.


It's a pain but sometimes you can see something while you are waiting for the USB-TTL serial dongle.


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3 hours ago, João Cravo said:

I just tested the following ones
- Armbian_5.75_Tinkerboard_Debian_stretch_next_4.19.20
- Armbian_5.75_Tinkerboard_Ubuntu_bionic_next_4.19.20
- Armbian_5.75_Tinkerboard_Ubuntu_bionic_next_4.19.20_desktop

Why don't you test some "Default" images (kernel 4.4.y)? If those work, then at least we can narrow down the problem to mainline.

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 ____                                 _
|  _ \ ___ _ __   ___  __ _  __ _  __| | ___
| |_) / _ \ '_ \ / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \
|  _ <  __/ | | |  __/ (_| | (_| | (_| |  __/
|_| \_\___|_| |_|\___|\__, |\__,_|\__,_|\___|

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.76 user-built Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 4.20.13-rockchip64
System load:   0.02 0.17 0.11   Up time:       8 min
Memory usage:  14 % of 1998MB   IP:  
CPU temp:      48°C
Usage of /:    12% of 15G

[ General system configuration (beta): armbian-config ]

So that works, although missing a USB port (bottom USB2 is not with us).

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@jpegxguy  For the mainline ethernet tx/rx delays, were those just copied from the Rock64 or were they empirically determined?  They're caused by trace impedance/etc, so they're tied to the specific hardware.  I'll dig up the thread/tool Ayufan and Tkaiser were using and see what I get, there might be some more to gain there, since obviously the default ones are fairly bad.


@Igor Any argument against moving Ayufan's RK3328 mainline to "next" and putting true mainline at "dev"?  I think it's to the point that 5.1/5.2 are nearly to RK3288 levels of support in mainline.


[edit]  Fixed the lower USB port on Renegade.

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10 hours ago, TonyMac32 said:

@jpegxguy  For the mainline ethernet tx/rx delays, were those just copied from the Rock64 or were they empirically determined?  They're caused by trace impedance/etc, so they're tied to the specific hardware.  I'll dig up the thread/tool Ayufan and Tkaiser were using and see what I get, there might be some more to gain there, since obviously the default ones are fairly bad.


@Igor Any argument against moving Ayufan's RK3328 mainline to "next" and putting true mainline at "dev"?  I think it's to the point that 5.1/5.2 are nearly to RK3288 levels of support in mainline.


[edit]  Fixed the lower USB port on Renegade.

It would be very cool if you did! I have no objection to that kernel arrangement either

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Right, I'm getting a statement that the gpios on the rk805 don't exist from the driver, see debugging is in order there if I have time.  The Rock64 patches look the same, I'll test that when I can. 


For the drive level, I'm hoping to capture the waveforms with my oscilloscope to demonstrate the differences beyond theory and some rectified boot failures, then I'll set them up as overrides in the individual dts's as Robin rightly pointed out on a similar topic that the increased drive level will cause increased EMI from the board, some users won't be fan. 

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After a lot of trying with xrandr. I can not have an image on the tinkerboard with this screen.

Here is the edid of the screen.

connected 1920x1200+0+0 (0xd4) right (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 720mm x 720mm
    Identifier: 0x6a
    Timestamp:  245757
    Subpixel:   unknown
    Gamma:      1.0:1.0:1.0
    Brightness: 1.0
    CRTC:       2
    CRTCs:      0 1 2
    Transform:  1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
                0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
                0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
    non-desktop: 0
        range: (0, 1)
    link-status: Good
        supported: Good, Bad
  1200x1920 (0xd4) 159.000MHz +HSync +VSync *current +preferred
        h: width  1200 start 1215 end 1216 total 1320 skew    0 clock 120.45KHz
        v: height 1920 start 1983 end 1985 total 2012           clock  59.87Hz

I tried to start with to see. Then to see with ssh or vnc or nomachine. Can not see the screen.


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On 3/4/2019 at 4:35 PM, TonyMac32 said:


@Igor Any argument against moving Ayufan's RK3328 mainline to "next" and putting true mainline at "dev"?  I think it's to the point that 5.1/5.2 are nearly to RK3288 levels of support in mainline.


[edit]  Fixed the lower USB port on Renegade.


On last look Ayufan stripped all the modules out after 4.4 which ran Ubuntu plus rock ones.


I've got a v3 on the way and can do some testing of 5.x.

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