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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Not correct. I close it - check docs and try again.
  2. https://github.com/MarvellEmbeddedProcessors/u-boot-marvell/blob/u-boot-2017.03-armada-17.06/doc/mvebu/uart_boot.txt According to Marvell engineers, it is "Not the funniest process, but you still will not need to setup JTAG session."
  3. Or there is something wrong with your network? Are you try to use the wireless network for this?? Please check/provide: 1. Is your server already downloading something 2. Did you notice this right after install? We are downloading package base updates in the background in the first run 3. Results of network testings. Remember that you are using a mainline (NEXT) kernel which does not have all functions yet. If you want them, you need to use a default/stock kernel, found in Android or TinkerOS, which is anyway not recommended for this case. And for many others as well. You can switch kernels back and forth in armbian-config menu.
  4. Check this section: https://docs.armbian.com/Hardware_Allwinner/#how-to-reconfigure-video-output
  5. Perhaps this is related? https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/1599e074fbd5a5851a6384cb4f619c63dcdb70e3 Build passes - need testing.
  6. Try rather this build - it's testing, which means no support - but wireless drivers should be in better shape. And remember, this is not Raspberry Pi.
  7. It should look like this: Than: iwconfig wlan0 power off results in: Most likely kernel configuration also need some work.
  8. Anyone is better than this. Stick to AMPAK/Broadcomm AP6212 Why not XR819? https://forum.armbian.com/search/?&q=xr819 It is performing very bad and even many people tried to fix this, not much success was made.
  9. Even after you run apt update && apt upgrade ? (you need a working network connection)
  10. Igor

    FOSDEM 2018

    I guess we will meet up at least on sunxi dinner
  11. You both forgot to provide the most important info: Which kernel/system version do you use? We have a utility which helps to debug. Do update and run armbianmonitor -u
  12. This chip is actually quite reliable. Is perhaps power management turned on? This has huge impact. Type: iwconfig
  13. Please provide the output of: armbianmonitor -u
  14. Probably module does not have power/wrong few config. But this chip is so bad that it is perhaps better to stay powered off
  15. Probably the only way to bring it back to life is to reflash it with a stock Phoenix tools/firmware. A80 is not very well supported so there aren't any alternatives ... some very basic mainline support exists, but that's all.
  16. You need to adjust numbers according to: http://linux-sunxi.org/GPIO#Accessing_the_GPIO_pins_through_sysfs_with_mainline_kernel
  17. This is a community project and you can and should add it on your own. It is prepared to be simple: https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute/#collaborate-on-the-project Edit this line: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-rockchip-next.config#L788 Wait up to a day for kernel automated build at beta.armbian.com repository.
  18. This means BT is not up and operational. We just put this image out even few things are not fully operational since it can be used for most cases. BT will eventually be solved, but it's functioning is not our top priority. Unfortunately. This is the case on other boards as well. This comes usually when we have nothing else to do or somebody just provides a fix for it. I thought it was. Unfortunately, 4.14 has for sure broken and afaik also up. The current image is probably the best whats out there for this board.
  19. If branch="default" then branch="" and fix double "-"
  20. Just do apt-get update and upgrade. I'll also add new images in next days.
  21. Yes, with one exception - the default is empty.
  22. Check packages naming: https://www.armbian.com/kernel and make a script. Fixed armbian naming ($LINUXFAMILY) is stored in /etc/armbian-release
  23. Yes, reading documentation first would save both of us some time: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-connect-to-wireless
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