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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Low-level CSI driver is nonexisting in the modern kernel, the only one Armbian is using for H5. Has to be developed first. http://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort
  2. Nightly building is back. https://beta.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-4.14.7-mvebu64/
  3. Current hosting provider can't provide IPV6 at the present location (apparently there was some error in comm) where we anyway have troubles with consuming all allocated bandwidth. We have to move again for this reason too. And. Few people are involved in this change while holidays are at the door. I doubt there will be any changes before mid-end January.
  4. Yes. In our beta/nightly repository, updated a few moments ago. Just do apt update & upgrade Wrote on mobile
  5. It's not exactly a typical problem but first, we need to know absolutely everything software wise (type armbianmonitor -u) about your system and how is your powering solved ... Have you check general stuff: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Basic-Troubleshooting/
  6. It's possible but not really recommended. https://github.com/armbian/build/releases
  7. If you have internet access please provide the output of: armbianmonitor -u Also good to know: uname -a
  8. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/#user-provided-image-customization-script
  9. Whatever is packed by default with Debian Jessie/Stretch or Xenial. Our build script set it up: https://github.com/armbian/build Yes. build-essential is installed by default.
  10. That is normal. AFAIK no network support within u-boot for now or not enabled. Good!
  11. Should be fixed after this commit: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/10816a3c68c5041ce8c2d9f49db0696b9fec83a4. A beta repository has also been updated.
  12. Yes, it is correct. But there is always but ... unrelated to armbian. Distribution upgrades might sometimes cause troubles. In case you are running kernel 3.4.y you need to upgrade to NEXT kernel first since 3.4.y is not sufficient for running Stretch. Add: it is possible that you might need to deinstall jessie-root package and manually install stretch.
  13. Our method should(must) work - if not, please supply link from: armbianmonitor -u and explain if and how you change default image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__BJtInOQFY
  14. Thank you. But in order to fix and learn something from this problem, we need to see armbianmonitor -u ... since its probably related to the NetworkManager versions, which can come in three different packages: Jessie, Xenial or Stretch.
  15. I am using drivers supplied with a kernel and both works. I am not aware of any issues. Are there any?
  16. Repeat the whole thing with the same kernel/image that I used. That will be somehow more representative. I don't use a heatsink, ambient is around 20°C and heating up to 90°C is within the thermal limits of the chip.
  17. Ofc, during the build as written in the documentation or you can also mount this image, install deb under chroot and unmount the image.
  18. Why don't you (cross)compile somewhere, pack to .deb and install only .deb package and dependencies if needed? What your applications needs, is it different for each board, for each distro, architecture, is it kernel dependent?
  19. You should test and create a script on the live image but implement while building an image. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/ https://www.openmediavault.org/ is using this procedure for their ARM-based builds: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/templates/customize-image.sh.template
  20. Please don't & stop abusing @ to get attention. My quick test with this command: stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 501s http://sprunge.us/HZNc Everything looks/is fine: + running a desktop with attached monitor, external powered USB hub and AP. No heatsink. Powering with 5.00V at a source, proper cable and delivering up to 5A. Which is certainly an overkill for this situation. When limiting PSU down to 2A, the board remains stable ... current goes up to 1.3A. Image: https://dl.armbian.com/orangepiprime/nightly/Armbian_5.37.171218_Orangepiprime_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.6_desktop.7z
  21. There is some small science behind those governors and it's possible to fine tune it further but IMHO not really necessary in this use case. I am glad trick worked!
  22. When you are up to solve something more complicated you need to understand few things first. - all kernels come with headers package and they can be installed from the armbian-config menu -> software. Never install other generic headers from upstream distribution (from Debian or Ubuntu) because of it simply won't work. - there is no difference between Debian and Ubuntu kernels. They are always the same. Diff can be only on our download page since we change targets sometimes and there is a diff but it's gone once you do first update + reboot - use old 3.4.y kernel only if there is no other way - the differences between Debian Jessie, Stretch, Ubuntu Xenial are in many areas, but why you face those problems is really hard to say. Compiler-related? Bugs in a library, driver, ...
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