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Everything posted by Igor

  1. If you are new to this ... I replace images in download section (get Xenial desktop) - they have the same name - download them again. They have this fix implemented, but they are not tested.
  2. Armbian desktop is currently available only on desktop images. Working on it to provide a package which would transform CLI image into our desktop. Still some work: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/lib/desktop-ng.sh Only Xenial based desktop is available at the moment, while Stretch you need to build on your own. It looks and acts more or less the same. https://dl.armbian.com/cubieboard2/archive/Armbian_5.37_Cubieboard2_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.14_desktop.7z
  3. Two days ago a fix was submitted, but I haven't tested it yet. On self-made image it might just work. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/c9dcb99b93cbd6373b6db1d3bbf90a5c256bd185
  4. Strange. I booted Stretch CLI image on my Cubietruck, connected with eth0 ... nmtui-connect and connect to wireless. No problems. http://ix.io/EBc
  5. Unfortunately, I don't have Cubieboard 2 while my Cubietruck (very similar) boots fine. Can you try this image: https://dl.armbian.com/cubieboard2/archive/Armbian_5.37_Cubieboard2_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.14.7z
  6. Why don't you simply(!) use our build tools which creates a .deb package by using a proven(!) compiler and you only need to install it with dpkg? It limits problems. If you need to make changes, use a parameter CREATE_PATCHES="yes" ... if you are creating a patch for def_config, you need to compile twice since .config was already made.
  7. Legacy build ended up in ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### ? ... without HDMI and works with HDMI attached?
  8. Fixed. It was a problem within our repository.
  9. Those functions are apparently not developed yet: http://linux-sunxi.org/USB_Gadget
  10. You can also start with a clean image - check this (testing) build: https://dl.armbian.com/nanopiair/Debian_stretch_next.7z Ubuntu version also exists .
  11. This is far more simple - just use our beta build, update (to 4.14.y) kernel and use armbian-config -> system -> hardware
  12. Igor

    apt upgrade

    Possible. I'll put out one bugfix update ASAP and then we will see if this will be fixed. I need to put it out ASAP since armbianmonitor -u for sending diagnostic reports is currently n/a due to external service malfunctioning.
  13. Igor

    Choosing a chip!

    Having a proper SSD in place will make benefits random IO while you won't meet the top sequential speed of the SSD which is less important for this/most use case(s).
  14. External services which we used to use is down. It was already changed in the trunk but haven't got to the stable builds yet. If you move to beta (and risk other possible problems) and update ... The general advice is to pay attention not to fill it up, otherwise, tweak this problem with some script. You could also make it bigger but again not too big, to lose memory.
  15. This issue should be fixed now with apt update & apt upgrade.
  16. All those boards have low cost 1T1R 2.4G wireless chips which can usually operate as AP ... but usually without advanced functionality, low stations limits, etc. Check this thread for what to add on USB if you want some router like experiences. Even on better ones, it is hard to say whether multiple SSID and other "advanced" functions work. It should work but I don't remember I made tests on this.
  17. Igor

    apt upgrade

    Wait - it's a daily cron and it was not running due to wrong permission. Or run /usr/lib/armbian/apt-updates as root.
  18. I made some research and patch this problem. apt-update & upgrade works. Tested default and next. It seems its related to u-boot fallback video mode when nothing is detected with EDID - there is none now? @jernej This is when booting a mailine kernel, while legacy stops with an error:
  19. Igor

    apt upgrade

    chmod -x /etc/cron.d/armbian-updates should fix this.
  20. Dev is "development" branch and possible broken. You have to use: linux-image-next-sunxi linux-headers-next-sunxi linux-dtb-next-sunxi linux-u-boot-orangepipc-next kernel with device tree blob package but is also not completely finished. It is under testing. You can leave headers out of you don't need them.
  21. Perhaps two pinned topic, one for philosophy/rules and the other for devices which are about to lose a prime support place. In here: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/22-board-bring-up/ where support wannabe devices start and also stop its journey? Even we drop few boards, a bottleneck of manpower remain. Cash, which comes in here and there, is a consequence of past work on the project. In the economy term, that would be fruits of past accumulation. Those are the rules of the (western) world we live in and are not related to specific activity nor wish. So far I said "no" to many advertising agencies aka easy money because I hate sharing spam and want to suppress the motive which you might be referring to. Not to mention saying few times "no" to providing commercial board support, not necessarily related to Armbian. I asked once around, while now I don't bother and deny if anything comes in - obviously, we all have little to no interest in such moonlighting. But. If a board maker or 3rd party throw pennies without requesting specifics, I don't see any morally disputable questions. Initially, they gave boards around and ask, currently hope for support. Giving away a free board sample is already in a grey area. Now, at the state of this project/market, samples are becoming less significant and a donation is as is. Perhaps a wish for some sense of appreciation, connection, control? We need to define very well what support is and throw out more deprecated boards for our own good. I certainly agree on that and have some propositions. We are not busy solo because of too many board support count - new boards actually added little problems - but overall project expansions, lack of resources, rules, organization troubles ... For resources that are n/a but needed cash is sometimes the only realistic option to make things happen. Income is a must have to run such project, while profit is not and there is no danger of having one.
  22. I see a picture, two download links, and a text content which is horrible to some extent - you know where is an edit button - or you complain with a specific data/hints and this is fixed. A website and a download page are horrible in general and I won't fix this now since all website related work is going into a new one. What is going on? Which are other options than doing nothing? - ignore this yet another variant board on the download page - merge it with HC1 - add it - add it and fix all information below to the perfect state Be specifics what exactly is so horrible. Nobody lives in your head but you.
  23. Last time I was installing PiVPN it was installing fine ... Which build have you used? It doesn't seem that it's a board specifics problem.
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