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    gprovost got a reaction from tmb in Missing RAID array after power loss   
    At first glance, things look pretty good so it should be easy reassemble the array.
    The reason it didn' t happen automatically it's because the event count between sda, sdc is different from sdb, sdd, sde. Fortunately the difference is very small, so data on the RAID should still be ok.
    First you need to stop the array
    mdadm --stop /dev/md0
    Let's try to re assemble without --force option
    mdadm /dev/md0 --assemble /dev/sd[abcde]
    Let us know if it works. If yes then you array should start the syncing process (cat /prod/mdstat), you could share the output of mdadm -D /dev/md0
    If if fails, please show the output. Next step, if previous one failed, it's to try assemble with --force option.  Please take note that if --force is used you might end up with few file corrupted (whatever writing operation that happen in the difference of event count, in your case the difference of event count is very small).
    mdadm /dev/md0 --assemble --force /dev/sd[abcde]
    Same here, share output of cat /prod/mdstat and mdadm -D /dev/md0
  2. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from iav in Very noisy fans   
    I shared the design of the thermal pad, showing that the whole area below heatsink is cover with thermal pad by default.

    @allen--smithee That's very valuable feedback, I think we will need to review our approach on thermal pad.
    One factor we had to take in consideration is also ease of installation on the factory line.
  3. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from djurny in Feature / Changes requests for future Helios64 board or enclosure revisions   
    RK3399 has a single PCIe 2.1 x 4 lanes port, you can't split the lanes for multi interfaces unless you use a PCIe switch which is an additional component that would increase a lot the board cost.
    That's clearly the intention, we don't want either to restart form scratch the software and documentation :P
    Yes this will be fixed, it was a silly design mistake. We will also make the back panel bracket holder with rounder edges to avoid user to scratch their hands :/
    We will post soon how to manage fan speed based on HDD temperature (using hddtemp tool), that would make more sense than current approach.
    You can already find an old example : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/499409/adjust-fan-speed-via-fancontrol-according-to-hard-disk-temperature-hddtemp
  4. Like
    gprovost reacted to meymarce in SATA issue, drive resets: ataX.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED   
    Maybe this is interesting for you: As I had the same issue but did not wanna mess around too much and some where successful with 3rd party sata cables, I was looking for a way to get this done w/o loosing the HDD slides into the SATA slot option.
    I found this (hope this does not count as advertisement):
    which seems to be the general harness of a Lenovo X3100 M5 Server. I was also looking to get some screw-able SATA mounts, but could not find any that would not require me doing the cable works and soldering too.
    However the Lenovo cables looked promising and as it turns out, you just use this as a drop in replacement. The screws fit. However you have to mount them from the front side instead the back, but the case has enough space to do that.

    You do however need to push very hard, to get the screws to grip, but even the threads match.
    I did a bit of grinding on the metal frame though to reduce the tension on the plastic of the connector cause it is a bit thicker. Not sure that is required though (I think not).
    For the fifth slot some grinding will be inevitable though. Since that slot is not populated for me right now (and has to wait a bit on current pricing unless I find a bargain) and one cable set has 4 cables, this was no issue. Another two cable sets are on the way though (have another Helios64).
    I do not know how you cut the connectors of the original harness to get power only, but I used a separation disk on a Dremel like tool. Worked like a charm.
    The cables are all similar length so you need to do try a bit until you find a position that works and does not twist the cable too much but gets it to the ports on the board.
    Here what I ended up with (sorry for the sub-optimal quality but only saw this now on the PC and I do not want to disassemble the case again)

    Hope that is helpful for anyone. I am super happy with this solution
    I have not had any issues with my ZFS setup anymore since.
  5. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from meymarce in Feature / Changes requests for future Helios64 board or enclosure revisions   
    @dieKatze88 Yes this is already been announced here and there that we will replace the wire harness by a proper PCB backplane. There will still be wire tough connecting the main board to the backplane since we don't want a board that can only be used with a specific backplane. But these wires will be normal SATA cables, so easy to buy new ones anywhere if replacement is needed.
  6. Like
    gprovost reacted to helios4noob in Fresh Install without losing Data   
    Hey guys - thanks for all the advise. I finally got around to updating my system and bought a separate SD card just in case. The only issue I had was enabling SMB (which I was unable to do because of the browser, switched the browser and I was able to enable SMB). 
    It just worked - I had recorded all the settings (using my phone) and just set everything up that way it was. Works fine. I'll keep the other sd card as a backup just in case something gets funky! 
  7. Like
    gprovost reacted to dkxls in ZFS on Helios4   
    Great! Thanks @SvenHz for sharing your experience!
    Yes, it's very likely the issue I mentioned above with binutils, for the Debian Buster image I am actually sure as the stable repositories still have version 2.31 which is too old.
    The simple solution here is to use the packages from the Debian testing repository. This can be simply done by adding two files:
     /etc/apt/sources.list.d/testing.list: deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian testing main #deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian testing main  
     /etc/apt/preferences.d/10_testing: Package: * Pin: release a=testing Pin-Priority: -10 Package: binutils binutils-common libbinutils binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf libctf0 Pin: release a=testing Pin-Priority: 900 After that a simple "apt update && apt upgrade" should do the trick. With these settings, apt will only prefer the listed binutils packages from testing and keep all other packages as they are.
  8. Like
    gprovost reacted to FredK in HDDs dissapeared after restart, not detected by `lsblk` anymore   
    @Yolgie I bought this one: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07Q72NBQK
  9. Like
    gprovost reacted to PEW in Helios4 Buster using the older kernel version 4   
    @gprovost I described last year a process to upgrade from omv4 to omv5. (which is doable). I also did a clean install of omv5 after i was having random reboot issues using the newer kernel5. 
    I ended up using the clean built and reconfiguring all the services and dockers. I do not recommend using the newer kernel if you are using dockers. This is where I would have random system reboots. OMV4 was very stable but since omv4 was eol. I decided to upgrade or do a clean install. I did both with the same random reboots using the newer kernel 5. Once i switched back to the older kernel with my config, I was not having the random reboot issues. I understand this would be hard to replica because everyone has different configs. I am just trying to help anyone else that would be in this situation.
  10. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from meymarce in Information on Autoshutdown / sleep / WOL?   
    WoL feature is not yet supported because suspend mode was not yet supported until now.
    Suspend mode has been recently added for Pinebook Pro (RK3399) in kernel mainline, so just a question of time before we got this on Helios64.
  11. Like
    gprovost reacted to pierre in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    well deserved break.
    (In comparison, the helios4 is not that great. The plastic breaks easily and the disposition of the elements is not practical)
    A great job.
    Have a good break!!
  12. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from Gediz in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    It’s been 3 months since we posted on our blog. While we have been pretty active on Armbian/Kobol forum for support and still working at improving the software support and stability, we have been developing in parallel the new iteration of Helios64 around the latest Rockchip SoC RK3568.
    However things haven’t been progressing as fast as we would have wished. Looking back, 2020 has been a very challenging year to deliver a new product and it took quite a toll on the small team we are. Our energy level is a bit low and we still haven’t really recovered. Now with electronic part prices surge and crazy lead time, it’s even harder to have business visibility in an already challenging market.
    In light of the above, we decided to go on a full break for the next 2 months, to recharge our battery away from Kobol and come back with a refocused strategy and pumped up energy.
    Until we are back, we hope you will understand that communication on the different channels (blog, wiki, forum, support email) will be kept to a minimum for the next 2 months.
    Thanks again all for your support.
  13. Like
    gprovost reacted to tionebrr in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    Good move guys. Have a good one.
  14. Like
    gprovost reacted to wurmfood in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    Enjoy your well deserved break. It's been a rough year for all of us, but I will saying that getting my Helios64 set up and running has been a welcome diversion and bright spot during this time.
    Thanks all and I can't wait to see what comes next.
  15. Like
    gprovost reacted to SIGSEGV in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    Enjoy your time off - looking forward to new products from you guys.
  16. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from djurny in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    It’s been 3 months since we posted on our blog. While we have been pretty active on Armbian/Kobol forum for support and still working at improving the software support and stability, we have been developing in parallel the new iteration of Helios64 around the latest Rockchip SoC RK3568.
    However things haven’t been progressing as fast as we would have wished. Looking back, 2020 has been a very challenging year to deliver a new product and it took quite a toll on the small team we are. Our energy level is a bit low and we still haven’t really recovered. Now with electronic part prices surge and crazy lead time, it’s even harder to have business visibility in an already challenging market.
    In light of the above, we decided to go on a full break for the next 2 months, to recharge our battery away from Kobol and come back with a refocused strategy and pumped up energy.
    Until we are back, we hope you will understand that communication on the different channels (blog, wiki, forum, support email) will be kept to a minimum for the next 2 months.
    Thanks again all for your support.
  17. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from hartraft in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    It’s been 3 months since we posted on our blog. While we have been pretty active on Armbian/Kobol forum for support and still working at improving the software support and stability, we have been developing in parallel the new iteration of Helios64 around the latest Rockchip SoC RK3568.
    However things haven’t been progressing as fast as we would have wished. Looking back, 2020 has been a very challenging year to deliver a new product and it took quite a toll on the small team we are. Our energy level is a bit low and we still haven’t really recovered. Now with electronic part prices surge and crazy lead time, it’s even harder to have business visibility in an already challenging market.
    In light of the above, we decided to go on a full break for the next 2 months, to recharge our battery away from Kobol and come back with a refocused strategy and pumped up energy.
    Until we are back, we hope you will understand that communication on the different channels (blog, wiki, forum, support email) will be kept to a minimum for the next 2 months.
    Thanks again all for your support.
  18. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from clostro in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    It’s been 3 months since we posted on our blog. While we have been pretty active on Armbian/Kobol forum for support and still working at improving the software support and stability, we have been developing in parallel the new iteration of Helios64 around the latest Rockchip SoC RK3568.
    However things haven’t been progressing as fast as we would have wished. Looking back, 2020 has been a very challenging year to deliver a new product and it took quite a toll on the small team we are. Our energy level is a bit low and we still haven’t really recovered. Now with electronic part prices surge and crazy lead time, it’s even harder to have business visibility in an already challenging market.
    In light of the above, we decided to go on a full break for the next 2 months, to recharge our battery away from Kobol and come back with a refocused strategy and pumped up energy.
    Until we are back, we hope you will understand that communication on the different channels (blog, wiki, forum, support email) will be kept to a minimum for the next 2 months.
    Thanks again all for your support.
  19. Like
    gprovost reacted to rupert in Does anyone actually have a stable system?   
    My poor little Kobol has to work very hard for a living:
    NTP (GPSD) server
    SMB share
    Zabbix agent
    Zerotier client/bridge
    Storj node
    Raid 5 across 5 disks
    And is as good as gold!
    Had a few niggles to start with ie first week, since then its only rebooted as the OS requests otherwise excellent!
    Running on a 64Gb SD Card
    CPU full speed
    Very pleased!
    I have to say the common factor in a LOT of those with issues is OMV as far as I can see, maybe there is an inherent issue there??
  20. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from Igor in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    It’s been 3 months since we posted on our blog. While we have been pretty active on Armbian/Kobol forum for support and still working at improving the software support and stability, we have been developing in parallel the new iteration of Helios64 around the latest Rockchip SoC RK3568.
    However things haven’t been progressing as fast as we would have wished. Looking back, 2020 has been a very challenging year to deliver a new product and it took quite a toll on the small team we are. Our energy level is a bit low and we still haven’t really recovered. Now with electronic part prices surge and crazy lead time, it’s even harder to have business visibility in an already challenging market.
    In light of the above, we decided to go on a full break for the next 2 months, to recharge our battery away from Kobol and come back with a refocused strategy and pumped up energy.
    Until we are back, we hope you will understand that communication on the different channels (blog, wiki, forum, support email) will be kept to a minimum for the next 2 months.
    Thanks again all for your support.
  21. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from allen--smithee in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    It’s been 3 months since we posted on our blog. While we have been pretty active on Armbian/Kobol forum for support and still working at improving the software support and stability, we have been developing in parallel the new iteration of Helios64 around the latest Rockchip SoC RK3568.
    However things haven’t been progressing as fast as we would have wished. Looking back, 2020 has been a very challenging year to deliver a new product and it took quite a toll on the small team we are. Our energy level is a bit low and we still haven’t really recovered. Now with electronic part prices surge and crazy lead time, it’s even harder to have business visibility in an already challenging market.
    In light of the above, we decided to go on a full break for the next 2 months, to recharge our battery away from Kobol and come back with a refocused strategy and pumped up energy.
    Until we are back, we hope you will understand that communication on the different channels (blog, wiki, forum, support email) will be kept to a minimum for the next 2 months.
    Thanks again all for your support.
  22. Like
    gprovost got a reaction from lanefu in Kobol Team is taking a short Break !   
    It’s been 3 months since we posted on our blog. While we have been pretty active on Armbian/Kobol forum for support and still working at improving the software support and stability, we have been developing in parallel the new iteration of Helios64 around the latest Rockchip SoC RK3568.
    However things haven’t been progressing as fast as we would have wished. Looking back, 2020 has been a very challenging year to deliver a new product and it took quite a toll on the small team we are. Our energy level is a bit low and we still haven’t really recovered. Now with electronic part prices surge and crazy lead time, it’s even harder to have business visibility in an already challenging market.
    In light of the above, we decided to go on a full break for the next 2 months, to recharge our battery away from Kobol and come back with a refocused strategy and pumped up energy.
    Until we are back, we hope you will understand that communication on the different channels (blog, wiki, forum, support email) will be kept to a minimum for the next 2 months.
    Thanks again all for your support.
  23. Like
    gprovost reacted to piter75 in How to make a SD card bootable with U-Boot   
    @Chalix You have done quite a research already
    Helios64 is Rockchip RK3399 based so you are better off with the theory found here http://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_Boot_option as a starter.
    U-boot and vendor blob binaries are found in "/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-$BRANCH-helios64_$RELEASE_arm64" folder on your system.
    You are probably using "current" $BRANCH and the latest $RELEASE is 21.02.3.
    The recipe to write the images to device (more or less) is to be found here.
  24. Like
    gprovost reacted to hartraft in Does anyone actually have a stable system?   
    My system has been "stable" running the LK 5.9. I updated to 5.10 in the past but had issues with stability under small load, not rebooting through omv etc. so I went back to the previous version. 
    Running MergerFS / SnapRAID / LUKS on Seagate Ironwolves with the 1.2ghz frequency 
    $ uname - a
    Linux helios64 5.9.14-rockchip64 #20.11.3 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 11 20:50:18 CET 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux
    $ uptime
     20:25:53 up 67 days, 19:23, 2 users, load average: 0.08, 0.12, 0.12
    I'm sticking with this until things get clearer but would like to get full use of my NAS hardware... 
  25. Like
    gprovost reacted to axeleroy in Does anyone actually have a stable system?   
    My Helios is stable, running LUKS, MergerFS, SnapRAID, OMV and 9 Docker containers from SD Card and with 3 HDDs.
    Although in order to get a stable system I had to lock CPU frequency at 1.2GHz, otherwise CPU intensive tasks (like SnapRAID's scrub) would cause my Helios to reboot.
    ================================================================================ = System information ================================================================================ Linux helios64 5.10.21-rockchip64 #21.02.3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 8 01:05:08 UTC 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux ================================================================================ = Uptime ================================================================================ 12:25:17 up 8 days, 1:18, 0 users, load average: 0.01, 0.10, 0.15 ================================================================================ = openmediavault information ================================================================================ Release: 5.6.2-1 Codename: Usul ================================================================================ = openmediavault plugins ================================================================================ ii openmediavault-backup 5.2.4 all backup plugin for OpenMediaVault. ii openmediavault-flashmemory 5.0.8 all folder2ram plugin for OpenMediaVault ii openmediavault-keyring 1.0 all GnuPG archive keys of the OpenMediaVault archive ii openmediavault-luksencryption 5.0.2 all OpenMediaVault LUKS encryption plugin ii openmediavault-minidlna 5.0.5 all OpenMediaVault miniDLNA (DLNA server) plugin ii openmediavault-omvextrasorg 5.6 all OMV-Extras.org Package Repositories for OpenMediaVault ii openmediavault-snapraid 5.0.7 all snapraid plugin for OpenMediaVault. ii openmediavault-unionfilesystems 5.1.2 all Union filesystems plugin for OpenMediaVault. ii openmediavault-wol 3.4.2 all OpenMediaVault WOL plugin  
    PS: don't mind the uptime, I had to reboot to apply an update. Otherwise no problem since mid-February.
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