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    martinayotte got a reaction from chwe in [OPiOne] No led except eth no ip adress   
    Try to borrow a USB-TTL Serial from a friend ...
  2. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from ruthrf69 in [OPiOne] No led except eth no ip adress   
    You should get equipped with a USB-TTL Serial dongle and attach it to the serial debug port of the OPiOne, you will then see all the logs at boot time and we will be able to figure out with you.
  3. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from Elliot Woods in Opi lite MAC address   
    Assuming you have "dtc" installed (and keep a backup of the original /boot/dtb/sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dtb :
    dtc -I dtb -O dts -o sun8i-h2plus-orangepi-zero.dts-4.11.12 /boot/dtb/sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dtb Edit the DTS with "nano sun8i-h2plus-orangepi-zero.dts-4.11.12" and add 'ethernet0 = "/soc/ethernet@1c30000"; ' in the "aliases" section.
    Then, recompile the DTB :
    dtc -I dts -O dtb -o /boot/dtb/sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dtb sun8i-h2plus-orangepi-zero.dts-4.11.12  
  4. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from Edwin in Opi lite MAC address   
    Patch committed : https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/90b771cdf28b43cf6a857eeb10b204c38c7de82a
  5. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from StuxNet in Armbian for OrangePi PC2, AllWinner H5   
    If you wish to update applications without updating u-boot/kernel due to problems faced, you can use "apt-mark" to disable some unwanted updates.
  6. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from StuxNet in How to use the SPI flash on OPi Zero v1.4?   
    How do you use "dd" for that ?
    You can not use "dd" directly with /dev/spidevX-X, since it doesn't handle SPIFlash commands ...
    Either you use "flashrom" utility to write whole image or use python pyspiflash library and manage sector/page erase/read/write yourself.
    Don't expect been able to use it as filesystem, first because MTD partition kernel driver is probably not in Legacy builds, and second because those SPIFlash are pretty small.
    Those SPIFlash are ususally present to place U-Boot bootloader to allow booting from other devices such USB Storage or Network share.
  7. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from TonyMac32 in Trying to boot NanoPi-K2   
    Thanks, @balbes150 !
    I so used to play with Mainline, that I feel like a newbie and playing with Legacy ...
    The "modprobe dhd" worked.
  8. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from PoV in Orange Pi Zero, Python GPIO Library   
    After installing the above python library, simply run this python script :

  9. Like
    martinayotte reacted to Igor in Orange Pi R1   
    And there is one small change in description - Armbian is now noted as "supported OS"
  10. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from willmore in Orange Pi Zero NAS Expansion Board with SATA & mSATA   
    Obviously, I've missed the clearly visible 8198FTV, I was searching for the AP6212A
  11. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from Taurus in [Orange Pi Lite] Headless setup   
    If you have an USB-TTL Serial dongle attached, it would be easier to figure out since you will see all the booting phase logs.
  12. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from zador.blood.stained in Pine64-mainline: Can't use the lower USB-Port as a USB port   
    Isn't that reversed : it is the lower that was working but not the upper ...
    This is now fixed with this commit : https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/cc4e1ccc8e236b0a3eadabaa9c7b74af43065512
  13. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from Ucino in Install from SD to emmc   
    The first one ! u-boot AND rootfs from eMMC.
    ( the second means u-boot only on eMMC and rootfs on SATA/USB )
  14. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from pfeerick in Using wiringPi & digitalRead yields varying states with a dangling dupont wire   
    Did you use either internal PullUp or external PullUp to 3.3V ?
    If not, the wire is acting as an antenna with random states.
  15. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from pfeerick in New OPi Zero - Yet another high temperature issue...   
    There is no real PMIC on OPiZero, this means the power supply still plugged on the SoC, even after shutdown command.
  16. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from StuxNet in Problem with UART on Orange PI Zero   
    The way you are reading the serial port is ugly since you try to read(1000) without even checking if there is something to read, and yes 0.1ms is waste of time, especially if serial is empty, you should make it longer.
    You should is serial.inWaiting() > 0 to check if at least one char has come in...
  17. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from StuxNet in Not able to connect via ssh on encrypted orange pi box   
    Although I didn't raad the whole thread and links, why are you trying to do ssh on port 2222 while standard port is 22 ?
  18. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from StuxNet in CAN BUS support orange pi zero   
    Leave the PA13 as SPI_CS, and choose any other free GPIO for the IRQ, could be the original PA7.
  19. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from StuxNet in CAN BUS support orange pi zero   
    PA13 : single pin cannot be IRQ and SPI_CS at the same time ...
  20. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from MitchD in backing up SD to filename.img   
    Using "truncate" with the "endsect" number shown by fdisk after gparted shrinking.
    Here is the sequence :
    sudo modprobe loop sudo losetup -f sudo losetup /dev/loop0 myimage.img sudo partprobe /dev/loop0 sudo gparted /dev/loop0 sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0 fdisk -l myimage.img sudo truncate --size=$[(endsect+1)*512] myimage.img  
  21. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from manuti in Raspberry Pi   
    You will need to ask that to Raspberry forum, because here, in the Armbian forum, there is NO support for Raspberries.
  22. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from Carlos Rodrigues in I2S on Orange Pi H3   
    Good luck ! This part isn't easy to find in bulk, none on eBay or AliExpress ...
    EDIT : Oh ! instead of searching PST73118BETV like schematic says, TI has some TPS73118, some on eBay.
    Lucky Guy ! I found that MCP1824 on AliExpress in abundance, and it seems to be pin compatible, some sellers offer them at $4 for lot of 10.
  23. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from Ali in File system got read only after heavy writes   
    BTW, Raspbian != Armbian ...
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    martinayotte got a reaction from default0 in Configure HDMI output as input   
    To my knowledge, HDMI Output cannot be used as input...
  25. Like
    martinayotte got a reaction from Eduardo Claro in How to backup/transfer Armbian filesystem?   
    Yes ! Your second card doesn't have u-boot !
    You should do a 'dd' between cards but only the first 1M.
    Then, with 'fdisk' on the new card, delete partition and re-create it to match size of the card, followed with 'mkfs.ext4' for reformatting.
    After that, you can tar or rsync the rootfs filesystem.
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