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martinayotte got a reaction from PaddleStroke in Reading A20 LRADC0 and LRADC1 values
Using /dev/mem, you can poke control register at 0x01C22800 to be in continuous mode, and then peek data register to read ADC values at 0x01C2280C or 0x01C2280D, depending if LRADC0 or LRADC1.
martinayotte got a reaction from PaddleStroke in Reading A20 LRADC0 and LRADC1 values
Right, but don't forget to initialize Control Register first by setting Continuous Rate and Continuous Mode...
martinayotte got a reaction from PaddleStroke in Reading A20 LRADC0 and LRADC1 values
Download this UserGuide : http://dl.linux-sunxi.org/A20/A20 User Manual 2013-03-22.pdf
Read the LRADC chapter starting at page 192.
You will see the description of the ControlRegister at page 193-194.
You need your /dev/mem to be "O_RDWR", not "R+" to allow writing into ControlRegister.
martinayotte got a reaction from jslav in disable /dev/video0 and /dev/ttyS* in kernel 5.8.y with device tree
For video, I don't know ... But for serial, Yes !
Doing this command :
grep "=8" /boot/config-*-sunxi will reveal :
martinayotte got a reaction from Zamana in Orange Pi PC 1-Wire
While adding w1-gpio in /boot/armbianEnv.txt, you don't need to add it in /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf ...
But you need to add "param_w1_pin=PD10" in /boot/armbianEnv.txt as well, otherwise it is defaulted to PD14.
martinayotte got a reaction from gounthar in Orange Pi PC 1-Wire
While adding w1-gpio in /boot/armbianEnv.txt, you don't need to add it in /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf ...
But you need to add "param_w1_pin=PD10" in /boot/armbianEnv.txt as well, otherwise it is defaulted to PD14.
martinayotte got a reaction from Werner in Orange pi 3 - change i2c speed
I2C standard clock are usually 100KHz or 400KHz, but you can try other values.
Here is the doc, the parameter is "clock-frequency" :
martinayotte got a reaction from jsorocil in Rock PI 4 A not starting
No ! Not true ! Trust me, or as Igor said, read the Rockchip datasheets !
All RK3399, as well as any other Rockchip SoC, are loading U-Boot from eMMC first.
The fact that some boards is looking at SDCard is simply that this U-Boot loaded from eMMC is checking for SDCard with specific format, partitions, or uEnv.ini, and then continue boot process from SDCard.
martinayotte got a reaction from TonyMac32 in Le Potato max power draw on GPIO pins?
A simple MOSFET, such AO3402, should do the job ...
martinayotte got a reaction from Werner in Amlogic forum adjustments
I don't have any objections to merge those subforums ...
martinayotte got a reaction from 5kft in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.9.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
My Allwinner garden tour using 5.9.y is almost finished ! Only 2 board models left ...
martinayotte got a reaction from guidol in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.9.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
I think it should be good to switch to u-boot v2020.07, at least for DEV, I've done that since few weeks locally and didn't got any issues ...
martinayotte got a reaction from guidol in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.9.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
My Allwinner garden tour using 5.9.y is almost finished ! Only 2 board models left ...
martinayotte got a reaction from Werner in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.9.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
I think it should be good to switch to u-boot v2020.07, at least for DEV, I've done that since few weeks locally and didn't got any issues ...
martinayotte got a reaction from Werner in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.8.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
Thanks ! I will take a look later this weekend ...
martinayotte got a reaction from Crossplatform Vlad in 32 bit armbian on OrangePI Allwinner H6 boards?
No ! This reports the kernel version, which still aarch64.
Maybe ... Probably if you install the 32bits version of docker ...
martinayotte got a reaction from piter75 in Switching ROCKCHIP64-DEV to 5.8.y
I've done an PinebookPro build with rockchip64-dev 5.8.y, it worked, I'm planning to do a rockchip64-dev garden tour, and if nothing special, commit those change for 5.8.y ...
martinayotte got a reaction from Werner in Switching ROCKCHIP64-DEV to 5.8.y
I've done an PinebookPro build with rockchip64-dev 5.8.y, it worked, I'm planning to do a rockchip64-dev garden tour, and if nothing special, commit those change for 5.8.y ...
martinayotte got a reaction from Werner in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.8.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
The DEV branch is now 5.8.y, commmitted this morning ...
martinayotte got a reaction from 5kft in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.8.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
The DEV branch is now 5.8.y, commmitted this morning ...
martinayotte got a reaction from Werner in Switching SUNXI-DEV to 5.8.y (h3-h5-h6/megous)
Oh ! I've completely forgot about the hack, I've forgot to add it in /etc/rc.local of the 5.8.y build ... I will check now ...
EDIT: Thanks for the reminder : it is not freezing any more, at least until now !
martinayotte got a reaction from gounthar in Orange Pi Zero PA19 goes HIGH when reading input
Pretty normal : PA19 is shared also as TWI1-SDA which is an I2C bus provided on header, and there are some PullUps resistors already present on the OPiZero board.
So, simply short PA19 to GND, you will see that your script will print "0".
martinayotte got a reaction from Jens Bauer in EspressoBin: Possible bug in boot.cmd
Looking at my OPiOne+, it has different addresses for "script_addr" and "load_addr" and during u-boot init it shows :
## Executing script at 4fc00000 ... ## Executing script at 44000000 EDIT : ... and here is what is shown for OrangePi-RK3399 :
## Executing script at 00500000 ... ## Executing script at 09000000
martinayotte got a reaction from Jens Bauer in EspressoBin: Possible bug in boot.cmd
That is maybe specific to EspressoBin, because on my Rockchip and Allwinner boards, it is as the following :
if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum} ${prefix}armbianEnv.txt; then load ${devtype} ${devnum} ${load_addr} ${prefix}armbianEnv.txt env import -t ${load_addr} ${filesize} fi Where "load_addr" varies depend of the SoC ...
martinayotte got a reaction from JrRockeTer in Nanopc M4V2 - reflash eMMC
Rockchip SoCs always have eMMC as boot priority.
So, to boot from SDCard, you need to stop U-Boot from eMMC by pressing <spacebar> several times during startup.
Then, at U-Boot command line, you can type "setenv devnum 1" followed with "run mmc_boot", it will then boot from SD.