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  1. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from Beurett in Nanopi M4: HTop recognizes all cores as little cores   
    No idea. I'll see if I can recreate this with Buster 5.95.
    I don't think it's a problem in the meaning of "problem". Just a small bug in either htop or Buster.
    I rarely use htop. So others will know more about that.
  2. Like
    NicoD reacted to Beurett in Nanopi M4: HTop recognizes all cores as little cores   
    Agree with you. I'll see the htop source code. Thanks!
    You're right. my htoprc file is same as yours. when I delete and recreate the file it works properly. It might be bug in Armbian customized htop.
  3. Like
    NicoD reacted to coolchip in Nanopi M4: HTop recognizes all cores as little cores   
    Have the same issue with my XU4.
    I have a workaround for this. Remove all files in /home/[username]/.config/htop and replace it with the files from /root/.config/htop. 
    Then all cores are labeled with "big." and ".LITTLE" as usual. But as soon as you change the configuration (for example toggle "Tree" with F5), everything is broken again.

  4. Like
    NicoD reacted to coolchip in Nanopi M4: HTop recognizes all cores as little cores   
    A deeper inspection shows, that it has something to do with the file /home/[username]/.config/htop/htoprc.
    The config parameter "right_meters" is set incorrectly.
    For my XU4 the proper params are:
    right_meters=Hostname Tasks LoadAverage Uptime CpuFreq(1) CpuFreq(2) CpuFreq(3) CpuFreq(4) CpuFreq(5) CpuFreq(6) CpuFreq(7) CpuFreq(8)
    HTOP shows the wrong labels when the params are:
    right_meters=Hostname Tasks LoadAverage Uptime CpuFreq CpuFreq CpuFreq CpuFreq CpuFreq CpuFreq CpuFreq CpuFreq
  5. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from bahtiyar57 in My most useful Linux terminal commands for Ubuntu/Debian   
    Hi all. For a new video I've made a list with my most used/useful terminal commands.
    Please let me know what I've missed, or which commands you use most.
    Useful Linux commands for Ubuntu/Debian --------------------------------------- Update/Install -------------- sudo apt update Update repolists sudo apt upgrade Upgrade system/programs sudo apt autoremove Remove obsolete programs sudo apt install programName Install program sudo apt remove programName Remove program sudo aptitude install When having issue's with apt, aptitude can help to solve this sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Update and upgrade together/You can run multiple commands with && sudo dpkg -i packageName.deb Install .deb file Root user --------- sudo passwd Change root password su Super User/Enter root user Debug/Monitor ------------- dmesg Shows debug messages uname -a Shows basic system information env Shows the environment information htop Hardware monitor Switch terminal --------------- ctrl + ALT + F4 (F1 - F6) Open new terminal 4 ctrl + ALT + F1 Go back to terminal 1 ctrl + ALT + F7 Go back to desktop Reboot/Shutdown --------------- sudo reboot Reboot sudo shutdown now Shutdown CPU Tools --------- cpufreq-set -g performance Set governor to performance cpufreq-set -u 2Ghz Set max frequency for all cores cpufreq-set -c 0-1 -u 1.8Ghz Set max frequency for specific cores lscpu | grep MHz Show cpu frequency taskset -c 3 programName Use a specific core for an application Files/Directories ----------------- nano /home/fileToRemove.txt Create a txt file with Nano. You could use any other texteditor. touch filename Create an empty file, no matter what kind cat /home/fileToRemove.txt Shows the content of a file cp /home/fileToRemove.txt /home/copy.txt Copy file find /home/ -iname "*.txt" Search files that end with .txt comm /home/fileToRemove.txt /home/copy.txt Compare files rm /home/fileToRemove.txt Remove file mv /home/copy.txt ~/Documents/ Move file mkdir /home/directoryToGoTo/ Create directory cd /home/directoryToGoTo/ Go to directory ls List directory ls -l Gives more information about every file/directory ls -l filename.txt Gives file information pwd Show current working directory cd .. Go to the above directory rmdir /home/directoryToGoTo/ Remove directory wget http://www.website.com/file.txt Download file Zip/Tar/GunZip -------------- zip myzip file1 file2 file3 Create zip file unzip myzip.zip Unzip file tar xvf filename.tar gunzip filename_tar.gz Mount drives/USB Devices ------------ lsusb List USB devices lsblb List attached drives mount /mount/mountedDisk /dev/sda2 Mount drive sudo chmod -R 777 /mount/mountedDisk Give user read/write permissions df -a List all filesystems Swap file/ZRam -------------- sudo apt install zram-config Install zram script sudo fallocate -l 8G /swapfile Allocate 8GB for swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile Give the correct rights for the swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile Make it a swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile Turn on the swapfile sudo nano /etc/fstab Open fstab and add the line ... |_ /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 Wifi ---- sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and write: auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid {ssid} wpa-psk {password} OR nmcli device wifi rescan Scan for available wifi networks nmcli device wifi list Show available wifi networks nmcli device wifi connect SSID-Name password wireless-password Connect wifi ip a Show ip ifconfig iwconfig Change Keyboard Layout ---------------------- sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration Set keyboard layout Add display resolution ---------------------- cvt 2560 1440 60 Select the display resolution you want # 2560x1440 59.96 Hz (CVT 3.69M9) hsync: 89.52 kHz; pclk: 312.25 MHz Modeline "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync xrandr --newmode "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync Add resolution, everything after Modeline from cvt is copied after newmode xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 2560x1440_60.00 Add the new resolution to your display xrandr --newmode "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync && xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 2560x1440_60.00 Others ------ reset Clear terminal shift + page up Scroll up shift + page down Scroll down tab Autocomplete ctrl + c Quit for many programs date Show date/time cal Show calender Funny commands -------------- sl First need to install "sudo apt install sl", then try it out. It's great :) sl -alF cmatrix fortune/fortune-mod cowsay figlet toilet ponysay inxi cat /dev/urandom :(){ :|:& };: Endless loop (useful to test CPU maximized temperatures) Armbian ------- sudo armbianmonitor -m sudo armbian-config change cpu settings sudo nano /etc/default/cpufrequtils Made by NicoD  
  6. Like
    NicoD reacted to Tido in My most useful Linux terminal commands for Ubuntu/Debian   
    Pimp your bash. To be fair I copied some from the link at the bottom:
    A few commands are needed quite often and to reduce typing a little bit, voila: To create the file nano ~/.bash_aliases ############################ # my personal Aliases list # ############################ # to create the file nano ~/.bash_aliases # **** DIRECTORY LISTING in human-readable units **** alias ll="ls -lhAF" alias ..="cd .." alias ...="cd ../../../" alias back="cd $OLDPWD" alias lsmount="mount |column -t" # * Disk Space Usage in human-readable units, including filesystem type * alias dfh="df -Tha --total" alias df="df -h --exclude=squashfs" # * ALL files in a directory listed, according their size * alias du="du -ach | sort -h" # * listing process table in detail * alias psa="ps auxf" alias dmesg="dmesg --human" # * How to really CLEAR the terminal * alias clr='printf "\033c"' alias h="history" # reload bash config alias reload="source ~/.bashrc" Now execute . ~/.bashrc in your terminal (there should be a space between the . and ~/.bashrc )  
    https://pastebin.com/kzPjE8y4    |   http://smlr.us/
  7. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from gounthar in RK3399 Orange Pi   
    1080p display
    xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync &&  xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 1920x1080_60.00 && xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080_60.00
    720p display
    xrandr --newmode "1280x720_60.00" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync && xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 1280x720_60.00 && xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1280x720_60.00
    You can add the line to armbianEnv.txt if I remember well.
  8. Like
    NicoD reacted to balbes150 in Armbian for Amlogic S9xxx kernel 5.x   
    New image 5.96_20190920
  9. Like
    NicoD reacted to JMCC in [Development] RK3399 media script   
    I'd like to, and I started working on a script that would compile the latest versions of the software for a specific distro. Let's see if I can find some time to finish it.
  10. Like
    NicoD reacted to Igor in Request for new Video about current state of Armbian project   
    Yes, sadly I didn't even had time to get to the conference this year  To at least   Two kids, wife, cat, full time job + full time project + "customers" daring to demand attention or solution on my expense sounds like mission impossible.
    Anyone can make a presentation. In fact there were many presentations related to Armbian, but its hard to collect videos or track them. Some were made on local conferences in native languages ... Also @NicoD is making regular videos on various things related to Armbian.
    I used to be an active Toastmaster.org for many years. There, one could learn presentation techniques within dry-run speeches, with competitions, etc. One could also learn how many weeks/months before you have to start working to deliver 30-45m speech properly. Conference ended past weekend and I should start to prepare today for 2020 .. if. This little time (and energy) I have now. For current I started with preparations two months before ... its a lot of stuff and you have to come out with something that is quality made and interesting enough to get peoples attention. You have to think over and over, change. Drop something, add something. Change and practice, practice, practice ...  
    @chwe Thanks for helping me out 
  11. Like
    NicoD reacted to chwe in Request for new Video about current state of Armbian project   
    Freshly from the not official Armbian studios:
    the last 2 years
    I would assume that even on a conference those topics wouldn't be presented:
    it's a special use case, and the question comes up on a weekly to monthly repetition pattern.
    that's simply user-side stuff, mostly unrelated to armbian as a project, but as a NAS example, OMV is quite common under armbian users cause the ARM maintainer of OMV is @tkaiser.
    that's what changelogs are for.
    I assume the major reason the video is on the page is not that we have a video but because it's a side-product of the conference. So chances to get a new video are rather low, except there would be a new talk about the project in another conference. And for such a talk I would propose other topics, like how to engage people to contribute or how to deal with different opinions etc.
    But luckily for you, most of your questions can be answered with the search engine. and with text to speech it might feel like a video.
  12. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from mar0ni in Build Armbian with Panfrost (outdated)   
    Panfrost instructions Armbian
    !!!! I made a script that does all this, check a few posts later for the script !!!!!  
    This tutorial explains how to build an Armbian image with panfrost. And what else you need to make it work.
    These are early drivers. Many things don't work yet. Only OpenGL 2.1 works now.
    You need to build an image with kernel 5.2 or later.
    For this you need an x86 pc with Ubuntu 18.04 or a virtual Ubuntu 18.04 x86 image.

    First install git, then clone the build folder from Armbian, and enter the build directory.
    apt-get -y -qq install git git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/armbian/build cd build Now run the script with EXPERT=yes so you can choose to build a dev image.
    sudo ./compile EXPERT=yes Choose "Full OS image for flashing" Then "Show a kernel configuration menu before compilation" Choose your board. If it's not in the regular list, look in "Show SCS/WIP/EOS/TVB". Choose Development version kernel configuration -> device drivers -> graphic drivers -> panfrost  
    Let it run until it's finished. The image will be in the /build/output/images
    Burn it to an SD-card/eMMC/...
    Now we need to install all the needed software
    sudo apt install flex bison python3-mako libwayland-egl-backend-dev libxcb-dri3-dev libxcb-dri2-0-dev libxcb-glx0-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-present-dev libxcb-sync-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxshmfence-dev libxrandr-dev libwayland-dev libxdamage-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev x11proto-dri2-dev x11proto-dri3-dev x11proto-present-dev x11proto-gl-dev x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev libexpat1-dev libudev-dev gettext glmark2 glmark2-es2 mesa-utils xutils-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev ninja-build bc python-pip flex bison cmake git valgrind llvm llvm-8-dev python3-pip pkg-config zlib1g-dev wayland-protocols Download and install meson
    wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/meson/meson_0.55.3-1_all.deb sudo dpkg -i meson_0.55.3-1_all.deb Download and install mesa DRM
    git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm cd drm meson build --prefix=/usr ninja -C build sudo -E ninja -C build install cd .. Download and install mesa graphics
    git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa cd mesa meson -Ddri-drivers= -Dvulkan-drivers= -Dgallium-drivers=panfrost,kmsro -Dlibunwind=false -Dprefix=/usr build/ ninja -C build/ sudo ninja -C build/ install REBOOT
    Optionally, update sdl (recommended)
    git clone https://github.com/SDL-mirror/SDL.git cd SDL mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make -j6 sudo make install REBOOT
    Only thing that works ok with it is supertuxkart, to install it.
    sudo apt install supertuxkart
    Panfrost - Linux games working from repo
    SuperTuxKart - Works well
    ExtremeTuxRacer - lots of glitches
    AssaultCube - lots of glitches
    Instructions by Salvador Liébana & NicoD
  13. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from pask in Summer update. Bust.er4all boards   
    You could use balbes150 his N2 Buster image. This is with kernel 5.2. But almost everything works as it should.
    Otherwise you could build a Buster image yourself if you've got an x86 pc.
  14. Like
    NicoD reacted to pavelectric in NanoPI M4   
    Meanwhile, we had a big review of a single-board PC, the M4 is in the review. And its characteristics are not even bad, compared to competitors.
  15. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from Werner in Video : How to build your own Armbian image   
    Hi all.
    I've made a new video about how to build your own Armbian image with the Armbian build script.
    I also show how to set up virtualbox with a Ubuntu 18.04 image.
    Here's the video.
    Greetings, NicoD
  16. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from stut in Build Armbian with Panfrost (outdated)   
    Panfrost instructions Armbian
    !!!! I made a script that does all this, check a few posts later for the script !!!!!  
    This tutorial explains how to build an Armbian image with panfrost. And what else you need to make it work.
    These are early drivers. Many things don't work yet. Only OpenGL 2.1 works now.
    You need to build an image with kernel 5.2 or later.
    For this you need an x86 pc with Ubuntu 18.04 or a virtual Ubuntu 18.04 x86 image.

    First install git, then clone the build folder from Armbian, and enter the build directory.
    apt-get -y -qq install git git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/armbian/build cd build Now run the script with EXPERT=yes so you can choose to build a dev image.
    sudo ./compile EXPERT=yes Choose "Full OS image for flashing" Then "Show a kernel configuration menu before compilation" Choose your board. If it's not in the regular list, look in "Show SCS/WIP/EOS/TVB". Choose Development version kernel configuration -> device drivers -> graphic drivers -> panfrost  
    Let it run until it's finished. The image will be in the /build/output/images
    Burn it to an SD-card/eMMC/...
    Now we need to install all the needed software
    sudo apt install flex bison python3-mako libwayland-egl-backend-dev libxcb-dri3-dev libxcb-dri2-0-dev libxcb-glx0-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-present-dev libxcb-sync-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxshmfence-dev libxrandr-dev libwayland-dev libxdamage-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev x11proto-dri2-dev x11proto-dri3-dev x11proto-present-dev x11proto-gl-dev x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev libexpat1-dev libudev-dev gettext glmark2 glmark2-es2 mesa-utils xutils-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev ninja-build bc python-pip flex bison cmake git valgrind llvm llvm-8-dev python3-pip pkg-config zlib1g-dev wayland-protocols Download and install meson
    wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/meson/meson_0.55.3-1_all.deb sudo dpkg -i meson_0.55.3-1_all.deb Download and install mesa DRM
    git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm cd drm meson build --prefix=/usr ninja -C build sudo -E ninja -C build install cd .. Download and install mesa graphics
    git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa cd mesa meson -Ddri-drivers= -Dvulkan-drivers= -Dgallium-drivers=panfrost,kmsro -Dlibunwind=false -Dprefix=/usr build/ ninja -C build/ sudo ninja -C build/ install REBOOT
    Optionally, update sdl (recommended)
    git clone https://github.com/SDL-mirror/SDL.git cd SDL mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make -j6 sudo make install REBOOT
    Only thing that works ok with it is supertuxkart, to install it.
    sudo apt install supertuxkart
    Panfrost - Linux games working from repo
    SuperTuxKart - Works well
    ExtremeTuxRacer - lots of glitches
    AssaultCube - lots of glitches
    Instructions by Salvador Liébana & NicoD
  17. Like
    NicoD reacted to Alerino Reis in Hardware Graphic/Video Acceleration in H3 Mainline   
    Kodi with KMS/DRM/GBM backend only
    Tried MPV, but it didn't seem to work . Looks like MPV is not supported http://linux-sunxi.org/Sunxi-Cedrus#Player_Support
    we're tweaking the sources and scripts to release a new RetrOrangePi version , so hopefully a working tutorial will be available soon
  18. Like
    NicoD reacted to martinayotte in Build Armbian with Panfrost (outdated)   
    Awesome !
  19. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from lanefu in Video : How to install Armbian on a SBC + Set up of Destkop + install on external device   
    I try not to aim at the total noobs with my videos. I expect people who watch my videos to know what an SBC is, and how to write an image to an SD-card.
    I think ETA-Prime is better for you. He's a noob explaining to other noobs Try to learn from him Then later on maybe again watch one of my videos again
    No hard feelings, just messing a bit.
  20. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from aaditya in Build Armbian with Panfrost (outdated)   
    Panfrost instructions Armbian
    !!!! I made a script that does all this, check a few posts later for the script !!!!!  
    This tutorial explains how to build an Armbian image with panfrost. And what else you need to make it work.
    These are early drivers. Many things don't work yet. Only OpenGL 2.1 works now.
    You need to build an image with kernel 5.2 or later.
    For this you need an x86 pc with Ubuntu 18.04 or a virtual Ubuntu 18.04 x86 image.

    First install git, then clone the build folder from Armbian, and enter the build directory.
    apt-get -y -qq install git git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/armbian/build cd build Now run the script with EXPERT=yes so you can choose to build a dev image.
    sudo ./compile EXPERT=yes Choose "Full OS image for flashing" Then "Show a kernel configuration menu before compilation" Choose your board. If it's not in the regular list, look in "Show SCS/WIP/EOS/TVB". Choose Development version kernel configuration -> device drivers -> graphic drivers -> panfrost  
    Let it run until it's finished. The image will be in the /build/output/images
    Burn it to an SD-card/eMMC/...
    Now we need to install all the needed software
    sudo apt install flex bison python3-mako libwayland-egl-backend-dev libxcb-dri3-dev libxcb-dri2-0-dev libxcb-glx0-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-present-dev libxcb-sync-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxshmfence-dev libxrandr-dev libwayland-dev libxdamage-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev x11proto-dri2-dev x11proto-dri3-dev x11proto-present-dev x11proto-gl-dev x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev libexpat1-dev libudev-dev gettext glmark2 glmark2-es2 mesa-utils xutils-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev ninja-build bc python-pip flex bison cmake git valgrind llvm llvm-8-dev python3-pip pkg-config zlib1g-dev wayland-protocols Download and install meson
    wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/meson/meson_0.55.3-1_all.deb sudo dpkg -i meson_0.55.3-1_all.deb Download and install mesa DRM
    git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm cd drm meson build --prefix=/usr ninja -C build sudo -E ninja -C build install cd .. Download and install mesa graphics
    git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa cd mesa meson -Ddri-drivers= -Dvulkan-drivers= -Dgallium-drivers=panfrost,kmsro -Dlibunwind=false -Dprefix=/usr build/ ninja -C build/ sudo ninja -C build/ install REBOOT
    Optionally, update sdl (recommended)
    git clone https://github.com/SDL-mirror/SDL.git cd SDL mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make -j6 sudo make install REBOOT
    Only thing that works ok with it is supertuxkart, to install it.
    sudo apt install supertuxkart
    Panfrost - Linux games working from repo
    SuperTuxKart - Works well
    ExtremeTuxRacer - lots of glitches
    AssaultCube - lots of glitches
    Instructions by Salvador Liébana & NicoD
  21. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from JrRockeTer in Review : Khadas VIM3   
    Hi all.
    I've just finished reviewing the Khadas VIM3.
    It's an amazing SBC with unmatched performance. It's got the Amlogic A311D SoC. Comparable with the S922X of the Odroid N2.
    But the 4x A73 cores are clocked at 2.2Ghz and the 2 x A53 cores to 1.8Ghz. So it performs a lot better.
    It also comes with an NPU, MIPI-DSI and MIPI-CSI. And can be powered with USB type-c from 5V up to 20V.
    Here my review video.
    Here all my gathered information.
    Khadas VIM3 ----------- Ubuntu server - fan over fins ----------------------------- Blender BMW no fan thermal pad : 59m with copper shim : 58m18s with 5V fan : 45m01s with 5V fan over CPU : 43m28s Ubuntu XFCE - fan over CPU, not over fins ----------------------------------------- Blender no fan : 55m22s Blender 3V fan : 43m03s Blender 5V fan : 42m51s Blender with fan : 48m45s Armbian Bionic Small cores @1.9Ghz Big cores @1.7Ghz Blender with fan : 46m29s Armbian Disco Small cores @1.9Ghz Big cores @1.7Ghz Blender with fan : 46m56s Armbian Buster Small cores @1.9Ghz Big cores @1.7Ghz Kdenlive 16m bench 3V lxde : 1h09m (using 1GB zram + 4GB swap file. Not enough ram with 2GB) Video playback -------------- Ubuntu ------ Up to 4K 30fps with MPV. Very slight screen tearing. Anything lower is perfect Youtube playback with Firefox up to 1440p 30fps perfect KODI doesn't work (yet) No VPU acceleration for now. All done by CPU. LibreElec --------- Up to 4K 30fps with MPV. Very slight screen tearing. Anything lower is perfect Wifi doesn't work. power consumption ----------------- Idle no fan : 0.27A 5V (governor set to interactive) Maxed out with fan : 1.4A 5V (fan is 0.15A) Temperatures (fan over CPU, not over fins) ------------------------------------------ Idle No fan : 44°C Maxed out No fan : 75°C heavy throttling. 1Ghz small cores / 1.8Ghz big cores Idle 3V fan : 34°C Maxed out 3V fan : 73°C very light throttle. Takes 5min to reach 70°c. +10min to start throttling Idle 5V fan : 32°C Maxed 5V : 70°C no throttling Transfer speeds --------------- eMMC 16GB : 60 MB/s write : 165.9 MB/s read SSD over USB3 : 380.3 MB/s write : 286.1 MB/s read SSD over USB2 : 40.2 MB/s Samsung EVO plus with on-board sd-reader : 10.2MB/s write 22.1MB/s read with USB3 sd-reader : 31.7MB/s write 88.6MB/s read Ethernet internet speed : 53.9 Mbps 11.5 Mbps Wifi internet speed : 43.7 Mbps 11.2 Mbps Issue's ------- When using a 2.4Ghz dongle for mouse in the right USB3 port, wifi connection is slow. When using a USB3 device in the USB3 port wifi stops working. Use left USB2 port for those. Ubuntu server boots/shuts down slower than XFCE version. Shut down stop job for ifup for eth0 (not in use) 1m30s Boot hangs a while. Can't find the reason. After -> Scanning for Btrfs filesystems. Done. about 30s Can't install Tensorflow khadas@Khadas:~/tensorflow$ pip3 install tensorflow-1.8.0-cp35-none-linux_aarch64.whl tensorflow-1.8.0-cp35-none-linux_aarch64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform. Android : Can't connect wifi. I can type wifi password, but can't go further. No connect button. Tips ---- Use interactive governor for better thermals and power consumption with low use/idle. Plus/Minus ---------- + Best single core performance + best multi-core performance for an ARM SBC + Nice case + PSU + USB-c cable included + remote + eMMC + Amazing low power consumption / best performance per watt + Can be powered with 5V up to 20V + NPU - Wifi issue with USB3/No 5Ghz wifi. Could have solved the USB3 interference - Placing of the buttons would be better on the back. They often get pressed when plugging a USB device. You do get used to it. - No VPU and X11 drivers (yet) - Slow On-board SD-card reader
  22. Like
    NicoD got a reaction from JrRockeTer in Using different desktop environments on Armbian   
    Hi all. I've done a lot of tests with different desktop environments on Armbian.
    I wanted an as light as possible desktop environment so I'd have enough ram left to do video rendering with the NanoPi M4(2GB)
    I had to try a lot of things to get things working fine. So I wanted to save others that hassle.
    Setting up Display Manager

    First we need a Display Manager. NODM is installed by default. I tried lightdm but couldn't get it to work. So I went for LXDM. With NODM installed I had problems, so I also removed NODM.
    To be sure lxdm is configured right, I also manually configure it.
    sudo apt install lxdm sudo apt remove nodm sudo dpkg-reconfigure lxdm Install LXDE Desktop
    Next step is to install the desktop environment you want. There is a problem with some Desktop Environments and LXDM what makes you can't login to some DE's out of the box. That we will resolve later. Easiest is to install lxdm first to be able to configure the others well. And reboot.
    sudo apt install lxde sudo reboot Once booted you should be greeted by the Login screen. Here you can choose your different Desktop Environment. Choose LXDE and login.
    If you'd try xfce4, then you'd see it doesn't work. To fix this we need to change the file /usr/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop. Use your favorite text editor. I use geany.
    sudo geany /usr/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop Somewhere at the top of the file you'll see "Name=Xfce Session". Replace that space with a hyphen to "Name=Xfce-Session" and save the file.
    Now you can also login to the default XFCE4 Desktop.
    With other desktops this can be the same. Go the the same directory and open the file with the desktop name that doesn't work. Again replace the space with a hyphen
    Installing different Desktop Environments.
    For the Mate desktop I also needed to install the applets, else I got errors at login because of these missing applets
    sudo apt install mate-desktop-environment mate-applets For KDE-Plasma
    sudo apt install kde-full For Gnome. Modify the file sudo geany /usr/share/xsessions/gnome...
    sudo apt install gnome-session sudo update-alternatives --config gdm3.css
    I also tried LXQT. But this one didn't work. You can try others too.

    Remove Desktop Environment
    To remove a desktop environment you don't want anymore you do the remove instead of install.
    sudo apt remove kde-full sudo apt remove mate-desktop-environment . . .
    Please let me know if there's mistakes made, or if you've got advice.
    Source for changing the name to make them work @IgorS :

    Greetings, NicoD
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    NicoD got a reaction from JrRockeTer in Video : How to install Armbian on a SBC + Set up of Destkop + install on external device   
    Hi all.
    I've made a new noob video on how to install Armbian on an SBC.
    I also show how I set up my Armbian desktop. And I show how to install Armbian onto another media.

    Greetings, NicoD
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    NicoD reacted to pavelectric in NanoPI M4   
    This is a new hat - PCIe to USB 3.0 x4 HAT LINK
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    NicoD reacted to pavelectric in NanoPI M4   
    The long-awaited fee on the M4, in the form of a plate.
    NVME SSD Adapter for M4 No price yet, write to WiKi

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