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23 minutes ago, guidol said:


Because the C2 hasnt a standard pin-header (and I think 3.3V? ) I didnt got the chance for a serial boot-log on my C2 :(



You could plug in standard dupond wires in the white serial header with forcing a bit, it works perfectly well, I did it last time to see the bootloader

6 minutes ago, guidol said:


The command

strings /dev/mmcblk0 | grep 'U-Boot 20'

gives me

U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Dec 01 2019 - 09:31:42 +0300) odroid-c2
# U-Boot 2020.04 Configuration
Compiled with U-Boot 2019.01+dfsg-7
# U-Boot 2021.01 Configuration
# U-Boot 2021.01 Configuration
# U-Boot 2019.10 Configuration
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 11 2021 - 21:19:38 +0300) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 26 2021 - 12:00:46 +0300) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 14:55:44 +0300) odroid-c2
# U-Boot 2021.01 Configuration
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 04 2021 - 00:09:42 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 04 2021 - 00:09:42 +0100) odroid-c2


So I think the real on my C2 working version is

U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Dec 01 2019 - 09:31:42 +0300) odroid-c2

because its the first entry.


The later ones may be from the first partition? mmcblk0p1?


If I hex edit the file u-boot.bin (from both versions), I only have 1 occurence of "u-boot 20", just before it, there is the string :

GPT: last_usable_lba incorrect: %llX > %lx


20 minutes ago, Elclaudio said:


If I hex edit the file u-boot.bin (from both versions), 


but I dont know if the content of u-boot.bin is installed in my mmcblk0

And I dont want to install the newer one, when my eth0 may be stop to work :(


Elclaudio, you're a legend.  Shoved ye olde uboot on and bam... eth0 is back.


Thank you!!


Not a fix, but it's enough of a workaround for my needs.

11 hours ago, Elclaudio said:


Backup the current u-boot: (md5 checked against original u-boot.bin file match) the count value my be different on yours

And check it's version :

Indeed if you have a 2019.xx version you are ok apparently :rolleyes:

Yes its seems also like a 2019-version (didnt changed the count - becaus it isnt a backup - only to get version:

root@odroid-c2 : /home/guido# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 records in
1376+0 records out
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.0463896 s, 15.2 MB/s

root@odroid-c2 : /home/guido# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Dec 01 2019 - 09:31:42 +0300) odroid-c2



@Elclaudio @Igor for your and my security here is the u-boot 

U-Boot 2019.01-armbian (Mar 25 2019 - 18:08:02 +0300) odroid-c2

strings ./u-boot.bin | grep 'U-Boot 20'

U-Boot 2019.01-armbian (Mar 25 2019 - 18:08:02 +0300) odroid-c2


out of my archive Armbian_5.77_Odroidc2_Debian_stretch_dev_5.0.4.img.zip

(isnt armbian 5.95, but near/close for the u-boot :) )


This u-boot is currently installed/working on my C2 in mmcblk0

So if we want to test a newer version we can go back to a surely working ethernet-version

(which should be newwer than from your kernel 4.19)




Some "strange" behaviour:

I compiled a fresh dev-version, which has u-boot "U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 14:32:21 +0300) odroid-c2"

and flashed it on a new sdcard:

  ___      _           _     _    ____ ____
 / _ \  __| |_ __ ___ (_) __| |  / ___|___ \
| | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \| |/ _` | | |     __) |
| |_| | (_| | | | (_) | | (_| | | |___ / __/
 \___/ \__,_|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|  \____|_____|

Welcome to Armbian 21.05.0-trunk Buster with Linux 5.10.19-meson64

No end-user support: built from trunk

package bsp-kernel[21.05.0-trunk] u-boot[21.05.0-trunk] dtb   [21.05.0-trunk]
firmware          [21.05.0-trunk] config[21.05.0-trunk] branch[dev]

System load:   36%              Up time:       1 min
Memory usage:  5% of 1.85G      IP:  
CPU temp:      45°C             Usage of /:    5% of 30G

root@odroid-c2-3 : /home/guido# 
dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 Datensätze ein
1376+0 Datensätze aus
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0,0871237 s, 8,1 MB/s

root@odroid-c2-3 : /home/guido# 
strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 14:32:21 +0300) odroid-c2


at the first boot it did boot normally. I did some changes/updated and rebooted and got this problem with eth0 like some here.

So I think I was prepared and copied with another NanoPi the old u-boot in my home-directory on the card for flashing it to mmcblk0.


I did expect to see the same eth0-problem on the 3rd boot, but now it does work again with the new u-boot.

OK - not every reboot does reboot, but after pulling the power-plug - waiting 5 seconds an reconnect the power the C2 does boot here with the new u-boot like with the old u-boot of 2019 (armbian 5.77)


I dont know if there much difference between current and dev u-boot or kernel, but for me it seems to work with the dev-version.

Maybe a little bit tricky, but OK for a dev-version.
I will attach here the actual dev-u-boot files for compare/test - maybe they are different to current?


Also a boot-system-Info: uploaded to http://ix.io/2RzH




Yesterday, I was running the latest armbian image with the old U-Boot from 2019 and all was working fine until I rebooted the device, then the network  didn't come back, I couldn't connect via SSH (my device is headless). Unfortunately, I didn't have have any log since I had no choice but to switch it off. So I think there really is something strange here. More testing needed.


Edit: I've run a few tests with connected UART to USB in order to see it live.

So, in fact eth0 is here and active, the problem reside elsewhere, I've got a boot loop in U-Boot whith messages like it can't mount the filesystem


Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block


Full log of the boot loop:

INFO:    PSCI Affinity Map:
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x0, State ON
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x1, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x2, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x3, State OFF
bl31 reb▒GXBB:BL1:08dafd:0a8993;FEAT:EDFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:0;
TE: 114072
no sdio debug board detected

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015.
gxb gfb13a3b-c2 - jcao@wonton

Board ID = 8
set vcck to 1100 mv
set vddee to 1050 mv
CPU clk: 1536MHz
DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same
DDR0: 2048MB(auto) @ 912MHz(2T)-13
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!
Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
Load bl30 from SD, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00009ef0
Sending bl30........................................OK.
Run bl30...
Load bl301 from SD, src: 0x0001c200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x000018c0
Wait bl30...Done
Sending bl301.......OK.
Run bl301...
, des: 0x10100000, size: 0x00011130

--- UART initialized after reboot ---
[Reset cause: unknown]
[Image: unknown, amlogic_v1.1.3046-00db630-dirty 2016-08-31 09:24:14 tao.zeng@droid04]
bl30: check_permit, count is 1
bl30: check_permit: ok!
chipid: Load bl33 from SD, src: 0x00034200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00080f90
ef be ad de d f0 ad ba ef be ad de not ES chip
[0.228833 Inits done]
secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
NOTICE:  BL3-1: v1.0(debug):4d2e34d
NOTICE:  BL3-1: Built : 17:08:35, Oct 29 2015
INFO:    BL3-1: Initializing runtime services
INFO:    BL3-1: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image address = 0x1000000
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image spsr = 0x3c9

U-Boot 2019.07-armbian (Sep 02 2019 - 01:17:47 +0200) odroid-c2

Model: Hardkernel ODROID-C2
Soc:   Amlogic Meson GXBB (S905) Revision 1f:c (0:1)
DRAM:  2 GiB
MMC:   mmc@72000: 0, mmc@74000: 1
Loading Environment from EXT4... ** File not found /boot/boot.env **

** Unable to read "/boot/boot.env" from mmc0:1 **
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   eth0: ethernet@c9410000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr
7159 bytes read in 2 ms (3.4 MiB/s)
## Executing script at 08000000
186 bytes read in 2 ms (90.8 KiB/s)
 ** fs_devread read error - block
 ** fs_devread read error - block
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 13000000 ...
   Image Name:   uInitrd
   Image Type:   AArch64 Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    13869975 Bytes = 13.2 MiB
   Load Address: 00000000
   Entry Point:  00000000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 04080000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x4080000
   Loading Ramdisk to 7d222000, end 7df5c397 ... OK
   Loading Device Tree to 000000007d1b0000, end 000000007d221fff ... OK

Starting kernel ...

"Synchronous Abort" handler, esr 0x02000000
elr: ffffffffb63e7000 lr : 00000000010023a4 (reloc)
elr: 0000000035350000 lr : 000000007ff6b3a4
x0 : 000000007d1b0000 x1 : 0000000000000000
x2 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000
x4 : 0000000034000000 x5 : 0000000000000001
x6 : 0000000000000008 x7 : 0000000000000000
x8 : 000000007df976a0 x9 : 0000000000000002
x10: 000000000a200023 x11: 0000000000000002
x12: 0000000000000002 x13: 000000007df66e0e
x14: 000000007df5df3c x15: 000000007ff6aa60
x16: 0000000000000000 x17: 0000000000000020
x18: 000000007df66df8 x19: 000000007ffe4f48
x20: 0000000000000000 x21: 0000000000000000
x22: 0000000000000003 x23: 000000007df96df8
x24: 000000007ffd1c18 x25: 0000000000000000
x26: 000000007ff6b3cc x27: 0000000000000000
x28: 0000000000000400 x29: 000000007df5e010

Resetting CPU ...

resetting ...
INFO:    PSCI Affinity Map:
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x0, State ON
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x1, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x2, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x3, State OFF
bl31 reb▒GXBB:BL1:08dafd:0a8993;FEAT:EDFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:0;
TE: 162131
no sdio debug board detected

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015.
gxb gfb13a3b-c2 - jcao@wonton

Board ID = 8
set vcck to 1100 mv
set vddee to 1050 mv
CPU clk: 1536MHz
DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same
DDR0: 2048MB(auto) @ 912MHz(2T)-13
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!
Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
Load bl30 from SD, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00009ef0
Sending bl30........................................OK.
Run bl30...
Load bl301 from SD, src: 0x0001c200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x000018c0
Wait bl30...Done
Sending bl301.......OK.
Run bl301...
 0x10100000, size: 0x0001113020200, des

--- UART initialized after reboot ---
[Reset cause: unknown]
[Image: unknown, amlogic_v1.1.3046-00db630-dirty 2016-08-31 09:24:14 tao.zeng@droid04]
bl30: check_permit, count is 1
bl30: check_permit: ok!
chipid: ef be ad de d f0 ad ba ef be ad de not ES chip
[0.317743 Inits done]
secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
Load bl33 from SD, src: 0x00034200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00080f90
NOTICE:  BL3-1: v1.0(debug):4d2e34d
NOTICE:  BL3-1: Built : 17:08:35, Oct 29 2015
INFO:    BL3-1: Initializing runtime services
INFO:    BL3-1: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image address = 0x1000000
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image spsr = 0x3c9

U-Boot 2019.07-armbian (Sep 02 2019 - 01:17:47 +0200) odroid-c2

Model: Hardkernel ODROID-C2
Soc:   Amlogic Meson GXBB (S905) Revision 1f:c (0:1)
DRAM:  2 GiB
MMC:   mmc@72000: 0, mmc@74000: 1
Loading Environment from EXT4... ** File not found /boot/boot.env **

** Unable to read "/boot/boot.env" from mmc0:1 **
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   eth0: ethernet@c9410000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr
7159 bytes read in 3 ms (2.3 MiB/s)
## Executing script at 08000000
186 bytes read in 2 ms (90.8 KiB/s)
 ** fs_devread read error - block
 ** fs_devread read error - block
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 13000000 ...
   Image Name:   uInitrd
   Image Type:   AArch64 Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    13869975 Bytes = 13.2 MiB
   Load Address: 00000000
   Entry Point:  00000000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 04080000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x4080000
   Loading Ramdisk to 7d222000, end 7df5c397 ... OK
   Loading Device Tree to 000000007d1b0000, end 000000007d221fff ... OK

Starting kernel ...

"Synchronous Abort" handler, esr 0x02000000
elr: ffffffffb63e7000 lr : 00000000010023a4 (reloc)
elr: 0000000035350000 lr : 000000007ff6b3a4
x0 : 000000007d1b0000 x1 : 0000000000000000
x2 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000
x4 : 0000000034000000 x5 : 0000000000000001
x6 : 0000000000000008 x7 : 0000000000000000
x8 : 000000007df976a0 x9 : 0000000000000002
x10: 000000000a200023 x11: 0000000000000002
x12: 0000000000000002 x13: 000000007df66e0e
x14: 000000007df5df3c x15: 000000007ff6aa60
x16: 0000000000000000 x17: 0000000000000020
x18: 000000007df66df8 x19: 000000007ffe4f48
x20: 0000000000000000 x21: 0000000000000000
x22: 0000000000000003 x23: 000000007df96df8
x24: 000000007ffd1c18 x25: 0000000000000000
x26: 000000007ff6b3cc x27: 0000000000000000
x28: 0000000000000400 x29: 000000007df5e010

Resetting CPU ...

resetting ...
INFO:    PSCI Affinity Map:
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x0, State ON
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x1, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x2, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x3, State OFF
bl31 reb▒GXBB:BL1:08dafd:0a8993;FEAT:EDFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:0;
TE: 162134
no sdio debug board detected

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015.
gxb gfb13a3b-c2 - jcao@wonton

Board ID = 8
set vcck to 1100 mv
set vddee to 1050 mv
CPU clk: 1536MHz
DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same
DDR0: 2048MB(auto) @ 912MHz(2T)-13
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!
Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
Load bl30 from SD, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00009ef0
Sending bl30........................................OK.
Run bl30...
Load bl301 from SD, src: 0x0001c200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x000018c0
Wait bl30...Done
Sending bl301.......OK.
Run bl301...
 0x10100000, size: 0x0001113020200, des

--- UART initialized after reboot ---
[Reset cause: unknown]
[Image: unknown, amlogic_v1.1.3046-00db630-dirty 2016-08-31 09:24:14 tao.zeng@droid04]
bl30: check_permit, count is 1
bl30: check_permit: ok!
chipid: ef be ad de d f0 ad ba ef be ad de not ES chip
[0.317751 Inits done]
secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
Load bl33 from SD, src: 0x00034200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00080f90
NOTICE:  BL3-1: v1.0(debug):4d2e34d
NOTICE:  BL3-1: Built : 17:08:35, Oct 29 2015
INFO:    BL3-1: Initializing runtime services
INFO:    BL3-1: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image address = 0x1000000
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image spsr = 0x3c9

U-Boot 2019.07-armbian (Sep 02 2019 - 01:17:47 +0200) odroid-c2

Model: Hardkernel ODROID-C2
Soc:   Amlogic Meson GXBB (S905) Revision 1f:c (0:1)
DRAM:  2 GiB
MMC:   mmc@72000: 0, mmc@74000: 1
Loading Environment from EXT4... ** File not found /boot/boot.env **

** Unable to read "/boot/boot.env" from mmc0:1 **
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   eth0: ethernet@c9410000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr
7159 bytes read in 3 ms (2.3 MiB/s)
## Executing script at 08000000
186 bytes read in 2 ms (90.8 KiB/s)
 ** fs_devread read error - block
 ** fs_devread read error - block
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
 ** fs_devread read error - block
Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...
** Unrecognized filesystem type **
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 13000000 ...
   Image Name:   uInitrd
   Image Type:   AArch64 Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    13869975 Bytes = 13.2 MiB
   Load Address: 00000000
   Entry Point:  00000000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 04080000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x4080000
   Loading Ramdisk to 7d222000, end 7df5c397 ... OK
   Loading Device Tree to 000000007d1b0000, end 000000007d221fff ... OK

Starting kernel ...

"Synchronous Abort" handler, esr 0x02000000
elr: ffffffffb63e7000 lr : 00000000010023a4 (reloc)
elr: 0000000035350000 lr : 000000007ff6b3a4
x0 : 000000007d1b0000 x1 : 0000000000000000
x2 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000
x4 : 0000000034000000 x5 : 0000000000000001
x6 : 0000000000000008 x7 : 0000000000000000
x8 : 000000007df976a0 x9 : 0000000000000002
x10: 000000000a200023 x11: 0000000000000002
x12: 0000000000000002 x13: 000000007df66e0e
x14: 000000007df5df3c x15: 000000007ff6aa60
x16: 0000000000000000 x17: 0000000000000020
x18: 000000007df66df8 x19: 000000007ffe4f48
x20: 0000000000000000 x21: 0000000000000000
x22: 0000000000000003 x23: 000000007df96df8
x24: 000000007ffd1c18 x25: 0000000000000000
x26: 000000007ff6b3cc x27: 0000000000000000
x28: 0000000000000400 x29: 000000007df5e010

Resetting CPU ...

resetting ...
INFO:    PSCI Affinity Map:
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x0, State ON
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x1, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x2, State OFF
INFO:      AffInst: Level 0, MPID 0x3, State OFF
bl31 reb▒GXBB:BL1:08dafd:0a8993;FEAT:EDFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:0;
TE: 162130
no sdio debug board detected

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015.
gxb gfb13a3b-c2 - jcao@wonton

Board ID = 8
set vcck to 1100 mv
set vddee to 1050 mv
CPU clk: 1536MHz
DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same
DDR0: 2048MB(auto) @ 912MHz(2T)-13
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!
Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
Load bl30 from SD, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00009ef0
Sending bl30........................................OK.
Run bl30...
Load bl301 from SD, src: 0x0001c200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x000018c0
Wait bl30...Done
Sending bl301.......OK.
Run bl301...
 0x10100000, size: 0x0001113020200, des

--- UART initialized after reboot ---
[Reset cause: unknown]
[Image: unknown, amlogic_v1.1.3046-00db630-dirty 2016-08-31 09:24:14 tao.zeng@droid04]
bl30: check_permit, count is 1
bl30: check_permit: ok!
chipid: ef be ad de d f0 ad ba ef be ad de not ES chip
[0.317742 Inits done]
secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
Load bl33 from SD, src: 0x00034200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00080f90
NOTICE:  BL3-1: v1.0(debug):4d2e34d
NOTICE:  BL3-1: Built : 17:08:35, Oct 29 2015
INFO:    BL3-1: Initializing runtime services
INFO:    BL3-1: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image address = 0x1000000
INFO:    BL3-1: Next image spsr = 0x3c9

U-Boot 2019.07-armbian (Sep 02 2019 - 01:17:47 +0200) odroid-c2

Model: Hardkernel ODROID-C2
Soc:   Amlogic Meson GXBB (S905) Revision 1f:c (0:1)
DRAM:  2 GiB
MMC:   mmc@72000: 0, mmc@74000: 1
Loading Environment from EXT4... ** File not found /boot/boot.env **

** Unable to read "/boot/boot.env" from mmc0:1 **
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   eth0: ethernet@c9410000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0


At first, we may think there an issue with the SDCARD, but this boot loop appen ONLY WHEN REBOOTING THE DEVICE, THE FIRST BOOT (while connecting power) IS ALWAYS SUCCESSFULL.

then, I connect to ssh and type : reboot and Here we go. I Can't load the OS WITHOUT UNPLUGGING POWER FIRST


May be a compatibilty problem between U-Boot and the latest kernel ...




I did some more testing and it seems the problem started between Armbian_20.11.3 and Armbian_20.11.6 with the change from "U-Boot 2020.04-armbian" to "U-Boot 2020.10-armbian".

I reflashed new image after every test, did not update/upgrade anything.


Working image: https://armbian.systemonachip.net/archive/odroidc2/archive/Armbian_20.11.3_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.9.14.img.xz


root@odroidc2:~# apt list --installed | grep u-boot

linux-u-boot-odroidc2-current/now 20.11.3 arm64 [installed,local]
u-boot-tools/stable,now 2019.01+dfsg-7 arm64 [installed]

root@odroidc2:~# mount | grep /dev/mmc
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /var/log.hdd type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)

root@odroidc2:~# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 records in
1376+0 records out
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.043645 s, 16.1 MB/s

root@odroidc2:~# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2

root@odroidc2:~# strings /dev/mmcblk0 | grep 'U-Boot 20'
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2
Compiled with U-Boot 2019.01+dfsg-7
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
# U-Boot 2020.04 Configuration
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2015.01-00189-g205c7b3 (Feb 27 2017 - 10:53:13)
U-Boot 2015.01 (Sep 26 2017 - 00:56:33)
U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01


Not working image: https://armbian.systemonachip.net/archive/odroidc2/archive/Armbian_20.11.6_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.9.14.img.xz


root@odroidc2:~# apt list --installed | grep u-boot

linux-u-boot-odroidc2-current/buster,now 20.11.6 arm64 [installed]
u-boot-tools/stable,now 2019.01+dfsg-7 arm64 [installed]

root@odroidc2:~# mount | grep /dev/mmc
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /var/log.hdd type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)

root@odroidc2:~# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 records in
1376+0 records out
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.043645 s, 16.1 MB/s

root@odroidc2:~# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2

root@odroidc2:~# strings /dev/mmcblk0 | grep 'U-Boot 20'
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
Compiled with U-Boot 2019.01+dfsg-7
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology 
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology 
# U-Boot 2020.10 Configuration
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2015.01-00189-g205c7b3 (Feb 27 2017 - 10:53:13)
U-Boot 2015.01 (Sep 26 2017 - 00:56:33)
U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01


Will test DEV builds next...


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, blacki2 said:

I did some more testing and it seems the problem started between Armbian_20.11.3 and Armbian_20.11.6 with the change from "U-Boot 2020.04-armbian" to "U-Boot 2020.10-armbian".

I reflashed new image after every test, did not update/upgrade anything.


Working image: https://armbian.systemonachip.net/archive/odroidc2/archive/Armbian_20.11.3_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.9.14.img.xz


root@odroidc2:~# apt list --installed | grep u-boot

linux-u-boot-odroidc2-current/now 20.11.3 arm64 [installed,local]
u-boot-tools/stable,now 2019.01+dfsg-7 arm64 [installed]

root@odroidc2:~# mount | grep /dev/mmc
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /var/log.hdd type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)

root@odroidc2:~# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 records in
1376+0 records out
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.043645 s, 16.1 MB/s

root@odroidc2:~# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2

root@odroidc2:~# strings /dev/mmcblk0 | grep 'U-Boot 20'
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2
Compiled with U-Boot 2019.01+dfsg-7
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
# U-Boot 2020.04 Configuration
U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 00:07:49 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2015.01-00189-g205c7b3 (Feb 27 2017 - 10:53:13)
U-Boot 2015.01 (Sep 26 2017 - 00:56:33)
U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01


Not working image: https://armbian.systemonachip.net/archive/odroidc2/archive/Armbian_20.11.6_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.9.14.img.xz


root@odroidc2:~# apt list --installed | grep u-boot

linux-u-boot-odroidc2-current/buster,now 20.11.6 arm64 [installed]
u-boot-tools/stable,now 2019.01+dfsg-7 arm64 [installed]

root@odroidc2:~# mount | grep /dev/mmc
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /var/log.hdd type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)

root@odroidc2:~# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 records in
1376+0 records out
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.043645 s, 16.1 MB/s

root@odroidc2:~# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2

root@odroidc2:~# strings /dev/mmcblk0 | grep 'U-Boot 20'
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
Compiled with U-Boot 2019.01+dfsg-7
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology 
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology 
# U-Boot 2020.10 Configuration
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2015.01-00189-g205c7b3 (Feb 27 2017 - 10:53:13)
U-Boot 2015.01 (Sep 26 2017 - 00:56:33)
U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01


Will test DEV builds next...



Thanks you blacki2 for testing the latest working U-Boot, I know it's a very time consuming task


I've extracted the U-Boot files from Armbian_20.11.3_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.9.14.img.xz

indeed, ETH0 is still working with the U-Boot 2020.04 and my boot loop problem is gone also (tested with a few reboots, I back online each time). So, for now, this is it.




Edited by Elclaudio
added working extracted U-Boot files

I now tried the latest nightly build and also build Armbian from current trunk, both are not working either:




root@odroidc2:~# apt list --installed | grep u-boot

linux-u-boot-odroidc2-current/focal,now 21.02.0-trunk.62 arm64 [installed]
u-boot-tools/focal-updates,now 2020.10+dfsg-1ubuntu0~20.04.2 arm64 [installed]

root@odroidc2:~# mount | grep /dev/mmc
/dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)
/dev/mmcblk1p1 on /var/log.hdd type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)

root@odroidc2:~# dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 records in
1376+0 records out
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.043645 s, 16.1 MB/s

root@odroidc2:~# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 19:28:22 +0100) odroid-c2

root@odroidc2:~# strings /dev/mmcblk1 | grep 'U-Boot 20'
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 19:28:22 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 19:28:22 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 19:28:22 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 19:28:22 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology 
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology 
# U-Boot 2020.10 Configuration
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01


Armbian_21.05.0-trunk_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.10.19.img (build myself from trunk)


root@odroidc2:~# apt list --installed | grep u-boot

linux-u-boot-odroidc2-current/now 21.05.0-trunk arm64 [installed,local]
u-boot-tools/stable,now 2019.01+dfsg-7 arm64 [installed]

root@odroidc2:~# mount | grep /dev/mmc
/dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)
/dev/mmcblk1p1 on /var/log.hdd type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600)

root@odroidc2:~# dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
1376+0 records in
1376+0 records out
704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.043645 s, 16.1 MB/s

root@odroidc2:~# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 23:15:17 +0100) odroid-c2

root@odroidc2:~# strings /dev/mmcblk1 | grep 'U-Boot 20'
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 23:15:17 +0100) odroid-c2
Compiled with U-Boot 2019.01+dfsg-7
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 23:15:17 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology 
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology 
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
# U-Boot 2021.01 Configuration
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 23:15:17 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 23:15:17 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 19:28:22 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 19:28:22 +0100) odroid-c2
U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology 
U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology 
# U-Boot 2020.10 Configuration
Description: ODROID-C2 U-Boot 2015.01



vor 1 Stunde schrieb Elclaudio:

indeed, ETH0 is still working with the U-Boot 2020.04 and my boot loop problem is gone also (tested with a few reboots, I back online each time). So, for now, this is it.


So I think as of now we can say: every U-Boot 2020.10-armbian and later is no good for ODROID-C2 ethernet.

Latest working version is the one Elclaudio extracted from 'Armbian_20.11.3_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.9.14.img'.



vor 6 Stunden schrieb guidol:

I did expect to see the same eth0-problem on the 3rd boot, but now it does work again with the new u-boot.

OK - not every reboot does reboot, but after pulling the power-plug - waiting 5 seconds an reconnect the power the C2 does boot here with the new u-boot like with the old u-boot of 2019 (armbian 5.77)



hm strange, for my board it's no difference if its first boot, reboot or if I pull the power plug and reconnect it: as soon it is U-Boot 2020.10 or later ethernet is not wirking at all.



One thing I noticed, if  C2  rebooted not successful, after a while, it will crash the whole lan, all device in the same network will  lost connection. untill I plug out RJ45 from C2..

On 3/2/2021 at 7:42 PM, Igor said:

@Elclaudio Can you check with latest nightly build? https://www.armbian.com/odroid-c2/#kernels-archive-all


I can always reconnect, but board hangs on reboot. Power cycle and it works on ... 


Like the bootloop issue I had ? >  https://forum.armbian.com/topic/17112-odroid-c2-no-eth0-with-latest-image/?do=findComment&comment=120395


Do you know how to compare the changes made to u-boot between Armbian_20.11.3 (U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 000749 +0100) and Armbian_20.11.6 (U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 014047 +0100), because the issue seems to be caused by a change in source code here

1 minute ago, Elclaudio said:

Do you know how to compare the changes made to u-boot between Armbian_20.11.3 (U-Boot 2020.04-armbian (Dec 12 2020 - 000749 +0100) and Armbian_20.11.6 (U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 014047 +0100), because the issue seems to be right here







11 minutes ago, Igor said:

Those patches https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/master/patch/u-boot/u-boot-meson64 comes on the top. But you have to check history if any relevant was removed in this period.


I don't see any suspicious change in armbian commit between thoses dates, there is commit 07447294c7a9d11301f1aecf3bac4e53ac6a6f18 in april 2020 which add C4 support, so it means the issue should be on the main U-Boot code right ?

5 minutes ago, Elclaudio said:

so it means the issue should be on the main U-Boot code right ?

That's usually the case, yes.

2 minutes ago, Elclaudio said:

Damn, and this code is supposed to drive rocket into space

Bug free top quality free licence software free of charge ... is oxymoron :lol: It's actually amazing how little problems there are. At least with Armbian distribution policy and having at least some quality control in between, quick turn around combined with lots of specific know how for quick fixing like this. But having time to start dealing is bit more problematic ...

7 minutes ago, Igor said:

But having time to start dealing is bit more problematic ...

Thats when you wished a day duration should be 48h..even then, when you do things for free, it's perfectly understandable. We all have a life :love:

12 hours ago, Elclaudio said:

Damn, and this code is supposed to drive rocket into space


I realize you are probably joking, but look here:D

On 3/4/2021 at 11:31 PM, Igor said:

@Elclaudio This could provide a fix. Change to nightly builds (armbian-config -> system -> nightly) and see if things are better. Patch is already in that code.


I've not switched to nightly in my current testing image since I've installed and configured some stuff, instead, I've downloaded the whole latest nightly image Armbian_21.05.0-trunk.37_Odroidc2_hirsute_current_5.10.20.img.xz  (md5: d69704708d7d4b38991b8a6eea790c17) from 2021-03-05 09:50. Well, this image is broken, not only the ethernet does not work (embedded U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 192822 +0100) but the OS itself doen't boot at all, it's stuck on (I think) uboot prompt > tested on 2 different sd card.

On 3/4/2021 at 11:31 PM, Igor said:

@Elclaudio This could provide a fix. Change to nightly builds (armbian-config -> system -> nightly) and see if things are better. Patch is already in that code.


I'm trying to build U-Boot from official repo on github, I managed to successfully build it for odroid-c2 (U-Boot 2021.04-rc3-00133-ge4dba4ba6f (Mar 06 2021 - 182939 +0100) but the kernel isn't loaded, there is a bootloop. I copied only the file u-boot.bin to the boot sectors like before, but I may have missed something, is there any other file to copy ? also could this be due to the file bl1.bin.hardkernel which is not generated (a blob file ?)


Board ID = 8
set vcck to 1100 mv
set vddee to 1050 mv
CPU clk: 1536MHz
DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same
DDR0: 2048MB(auto) @ 912MHz(2T)-13
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!
Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
aml log : SIG CHK : 351 for address 0x01700000
TE: 114007
no sdio debug board detected

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015.
gxb gfb13a3b-c2 - jcao@wonton

Board ID = 8
set vcck to 1100 mv
set vddee to 1050 mv
CPU clk: 1536MHz
DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same
DDR0: 2048MB(auto) @ 912MHz(2T)-13
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!
Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
aml log : SIG CHK : 351 for address 0x01700000
TE: 113565
no sdio debug board detected

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015.
gxb gfb13a3b-c2 - jcao@wonton

Board ID = 8
set vcck to 1100 mv
set vddee to 1050 mv
CPU clk: 1536MHz
DDR channel setting: DDR0 Rank0+1 same
DDR0: 2048MB(auto) @ 912MHz(2T)-13
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!
Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x000000b0
aml log : SIG CHK : 351 for address 0x01700000
TE: 113990
no sdio debug board detected

BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015.



I found a more recent version of U-Boot that work nicely, eth0 is working as expected and the various test I've done show that it appear stable in various situations.


this U-Boot come from opensuse and is more recent that the one used in armbian, event in latest trunk, U-Boot 2021.01 (Feb 16 2021 - 19:58:28 +0000)


link to the rpm archive : http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/ARM:/Factory:/Contrib:/OdroidC2/standard/aarch64/odroidc2-firmware-20170419-5.150.aarch64.rpm


for your convenience, I extracted it here (md5sum 4c52ad58f483bb8ce9fd767c6af9f077 ) :



1 hour ago, Elclaudio said:

more recent that the one used in armbian, event in latest trunk, U-Boot 2021.01


OK, another / better workaround but we still need to know why its not working and which sources were used to build the one it works for you. I am pretty sure, Opensuse does not patch their u-boot in any way. It's plain mainline and most likely just attached to u-boot trunk. Which is generally not a good idea - we tend to use last stable tag (2021.01) + optional critical patch if needed. U-boot often gets into the trouble ... which is the case we are trying to solve now.

26 minutes ago, Igor said:


OK, another / better workaround but we still need to know why its not working and which sources were used to build the one it works for you. I am pretty sure, Opensuse does not patch their u-boot in any way. It's plain mainline and most likely just attached to u-boot trunk. Which is generally not a good idea - we tend to use last stable tag (2021.01) + optional critical patch if needed. U-boot often gets into the trouble ... which is the case we are trying to solve now.


Hi Igor

I don't undestand, you said that armbian use the latest stable (2021.01) but either in armbian stable or nightly, there is only 2020.10 ? or it is just the term "tend" that explain it perhaps ?

9 hours ago, Elclaudio said:

but either in armbian stable or nightly, there is only 2020.10 ?

Aaaaah. I forgot something important :) Sorry. We don't rebuild u-boot in nightly builds by default since it takes a lot of time and changes here are extremely rare ... that's why packaged versions are the same.


Enabled now for next builds. 

Edit: but also doesn't work. Keep looking ...

Edit: fixed by attaching to this tag https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/releases/tag/v2021.04-rc3 @Elclaudio Will update images and repository later today.

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