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No network after upgrade to 5.30


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12 minutes ago, Wolf2000 said:

Kommt der kram mit der SD-Karte und Stromversorgung das ist es sicher nicht!!!!!!

Und das löst das Problem nicht

Then we need to see a console log, otherwise we won't be able to solve anything. I can't reproduce.

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

12 minutes ago, Aux said:

This is a no go

Exactly. Feel free to use another distribution (focus on software if you experience the strong feeling that it must be software related) if it's that important to reject reality.


I already tried to gave you some hints how to check in which specific problems you might run, I tried to explained why your methodology updating individual packages might introduce another bricked situation (dtb and kernel need to be updated at the same time), I tried to explain that all of this is useless if your problem is not software but hardware related (high IO activity triggering filesystem corruption), I even wasted my time again (since Igor already did it) to show you that 1) the network specific update problem has been fixed with 5.31 and that 2) there is NO GENERAL UPDATE problem at all.


You don't want to accept this and refuse to follow any of the suggestions so why wasting more time? BTW: Appreciate that you remain nice and polite and follow most basic forum rules (using english as language and trying to describe what's happening).

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9 minutes ago, Igor said:

Then we need to see a console log, otherwise we won't be able to solve anything. I can't reproduce.

Then please tell me how I should make it if the system does not find the system partition where are the logs stored?

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5 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

By using picocom or putty on serial debug, and copy/paste the output ...

A good idea, but for serial debug session has no tools

I'll take a short video for youtube

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2 hours ago, Igor said:

I just test the upgrade once again. Starting with this image: https://dl.armbian.com/bananapi/archive/Armbian_5.25_Bananapi_Debian_jessie_next_4.9.7.7z


apt update

apt upgrade


Zero problems.


1 hour ago, FrankM said:

My Problems are solved.


1 hour ago, tkaiser said:

after 5.31 upgrade: http://sprunge.us/PfGa (Armbian 5.31 with kernel 4.11.5 and obvisouly network connectivity)


@Aux @Wolf2000 : How many more need to test before you accept that the problem is on your end, not on the build/upgrade? This is the first time I see Igor and tkaiser tried that hard to help you out. But without your attempts to test the hardware, then I think no one can help you but yourself. However, I think if you already have your setup running for a year without problem, and you do not want to change the hardware, then why upgrade when the old ones can serve your purpose?

At first, I don't want to upgrade because mine is working fine. And now it's on upgrading process, just because I want to see will I get into the same problem as yours. The answer is [will be updated in 10 minutes].



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1 minute ago, hrip6 said:

and you do not want to change the hardware, then why upgrade when the old ones can serve your purpose?

To your information, I had 2 other SD cards tested, 2 different power supplies, different USB cables, now I am to get 2 raspberrypi or how?

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2 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

If you don't have any USB-Serial adaptor, it is probably good time to purchase one, they are less than $1.

Exactly, I have to buy one that I will not need the next 10 years ...  ;-)

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13 minutes ago, hrip6 said:

The answer is [will be updated in 10 minutes]

| __ )  __ _ _ __   __ _ _ __   __ _  |  _ \(_)
|  _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | | |_) | |
| |_) | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |  __/| |
|____/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_|   |_|

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.31 stable Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.4.113-sun7i
System load:   0.62 0.50 0.23   Up time:       3 min
Memory usage:  12 % of 984MB

Up and running within about 7 minutes.  On-screen when process is running: http://sprunge.us/ELKE.

Before and after, all function working without problem.

14 minutes ago, Aux said:

A good idea, but for serial debug session has no tools

Have a look here: http://wiki.lemaker.org/LeMaker_Guitar:Debug_COM

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18 minutes ago, Aux said:

now I am to get 2 raspberrypi or how?


Why not, they make up for an ultra low performing NAS? Just take care that you don't get 1st gen Raspberries (so start at least with B+) since those first models did not already contain RPi under-voltage detection. Unfortunately the mythical RPi foundation started with the shitty idea to use Micro USB for DC-IN many other board makers copied later (see your Banana Pi) and since so many people failed with this, ran in instabilities and even data corruption due to the LDO regulators on the first boards they changed two things with next generation Raspberries:


  • using linear regulators so SD cards couldn't be undervolted any more which helped a lot with SD card corruption issues
  • instead of replacing the shitty Micro USB jack with a sane barrel plug they implemented under-voltage detection circuitry which toggles a GPIO as soon as undervoltage will be detected so you get some sort of a feedback when using underpowered Raspberries (no board supported by Armbian is capable of doing so but at least with Bananas it's possible to read out under-voltage, see below)


Those two well known problems you claim to not exist (at least not for you) are discussed in depth with focus on Raspberries for example here: http://tech.scargill.net/a-question-of-lifespan/


Good luck with different distros and Raspberries -- at least underpowering will be somehow compensated there. :) 


In case you want to know whether you suffer from under-voltage on a Banana Pi running mainline kernel it's as easy as: 


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6 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

Why not, they make up for an ultra low performing NAS?

I admire your patience and funny characteristics, my friend. Your post always help me a lot when I put a first step on Banana Pi world. Thank you so much.

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Only minor problems with cubox-i 4pro.

Because there is now a hdmi soundcard MPD soundcard has to be set new.

GOVERNOR was reset from "performance" to "interactive".
That's all!! Thanks!!

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14 minutes ago, nihilista said:

Now with 5.31 i upgraded all my 3 devices (bananapro,orange pi pro, nanopi), all running fine...so big thx to devs.:thumbup:

Yeah, only one small thing is if we have changed in kernel and script.bin, then we have to do it again. It is a must-have after upgrading :D. Because I do some changes in script.bin to running digital sensor and control some GPIOs, so I have to re-compile it after upgrade success.


Edit - How to keep script.bin not be touched by upgrades [thanks to zador.blood.stained]: 


/boot/script.bin is a symlink by default to one of the files in /boot/bin. You can delete the symlink, copy the required file from /boot/bin/ to /boot/script.bin and edit it to your needs, this way it won't be touched by upgrades.


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3 minutes ago, hrip6 said:

Yeah, only one small thing is if we have changed in kernel and script.bin, then we have to do it again. It is a must-have after upgrading :D. Because I do some changes in script.bin to running digital sensor and control some GPIOs, so I have to re-compile it after upgrade success.

/boot/script.bin is a symlink by default to one of the files in /boot/bin. You can delete the symlink, copy the required file from /boot/bin/ to /boot/script.bin and edit it to your needs, this way it won't be touched by upgrades.

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22 minutes ago, PHG said:

Because there is now a hdmi soundcard MPD soundcard has to be set new.

That's why it's best to reference cards by a name instead of the device number (use "aplay -L" to get card names).

Example for sunxi mainline:

audio_output {
        type            "alsa"
        name            "Integrated"
        device          "hw:CARD=sun4icodec,DEV=0"
        format          "44100:16:2"
        mixer_type      "hardware"
        mixer_device    "hw:CARD=sun4icodec"
        mixer_control   "Power Amplifier"
        auto_resample   "no"
        buffer_time     "1000000"


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1 minute ago, zador.blood.stained said:

/boot/script.bin is a symlink by default to one of the files in /boot/bin. You can delete the symlink, copy the required file from /boot/bin/ to /boot/script.bin and edit it to your needs, this way it won't be touched by upgrades.

Wonderful, by this way I can upgrade without my changes, that's great. Thanks for the tips.

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As announced, because I can not create a log I have made a short video





And I still notice something. In the folder /boot is a subfolder /boot/bin
This folder is called after the update /boot/bin.old is the order so?




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Yes, I've read the whole thread, but the message "waiting for root file system" and hanging there proved that it is NOT a network issue (trust me here), but the fact that it doesn't find the rootfs partition.

There seems a mismatch between rootdev found armbianEnv.txt and the one present in /dev/fstab ...


EDIT : The fact that network is not running is simply due to that network services are not started yet since kernel still wait for rootfs to be mounted, waiting forever ...

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8 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

Yes, I've read the whole thread, but the message "waiting for root file system" and hanging there proved that it is NOT a network issue (trust me here), but the fact that it doesn't find the rootfs partition.

There seems a mismatch between rootdev found armbianEnv.txt and the one present in /dev/fstab ...

OK I write it again.
First - I had never written in whole thread that I have a network problem.
Second - I had both files (/boot/armbianEnv.txt and /etc/fstab) compare since everything is true
Thridly - had even changed both files  from UUID to /dev/mmcblk0p1 - no difference...


Has perhaps the folder /boot/bin.old not ok?
Can I get a response to such a simple question?

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For the /boot/bin.old, I will leave the question to other people, since I'm not using any Legacy builds but only Mainline ... (sorry for not providing answer here)


You said that you've replaced UUID by /dev/mmcblk0p1 and still doesn't work ... uuummm ! strange ...

Could you copy/paste your /etc/fstab ?

(I bet that perhaps you did a common mistake by leaving the word "UUID=/dev/mmcblk0p1", it should be "/dev/mmcblk0p1" alone without the word UUID)

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Fstab content

UUID=213dcf34-ef86-404d-953f-1c5ff176493f / ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/var/swap none swap sw 0 0
tmpfs           /tmp            tmpfs   defaults        0       0
# >>> [openmediavault]
/dev/disk/by-uuid/01D1821C723583E0 /media/01D1821C723583E0 ntfs defaults,nofail 0 2
UUID=a2ce383f-8f6e-452a-ad0d-e677a03efe91 /media/a2ce383f-8f6e-452a-ad0d-e677a03efe91 ext4 defaults,nofail,user_xattr,noexec,usrjquota=aquota.user,grpjquota=aquota.group,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl 0 2
/media/a2ce383f-8f6e-452a-ad0d-e677a03efe91/ /export/RAID5 none bind,nofail 0 0
# <<< [openmediavault]



and ArmbianEnv.txt






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