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Burn ISO Image to Micro SD Card

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On 7/6/2018 at 10:11 AM, Terblanche said:

I have used the following free USB creator tools for years:




It's worth a try!

I tested Rufus before , the Rufus program is complicated , and i don't think it works for people who don't have the experience .


Edited by bamksever
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On 7/6/2018 at 9:58 AM, tkaiser said:

This is 100% irrelevant just like some people reporting they never had trouble with Win32DiskImager or dd!


It's about the average user and expectations. And the average user runs Windows for whatever reasons and has no clue about Windows being crippled by design when it's about handling removable media and 'foreign' filesystems.


And the average user also has the naive assumption that burning to SD cards always works, that crappy/counterfeit SD cards do not exist and that 'transmission problems' caused by card readers or USB ports also do not exist. That's why it's so important to ONLY RECOMMEND ETCHER all the time.


Completely agree...


Etcher does a great job - and the verification ensures that one has a good write to the card...


When in doubt - one can use the SDCard Formatter Util (Win/Mac) to "refresh" the card prior to writing...




If it fails, then check either the card, or the reader...

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On 8/22/2018 at 2:55 PM, bamksever said:

I tested Rufus before , the Rufus program is complicated , and i don't think it works for people who don't have the experience .


As i tried , the Rufus is very unstable ,sometime it works on Windows 7 computer , but sometime it doesn't work on Windows 10 computer .

I prefer this one : https://www.iseepassword.com/how-to-burn-iso-to-usb-drive.html

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4 hours ago, Emailleray said:

As i tried , the Rufus is very unstable ,sometime it works on Windows 7 computer , but sometime it doesn't work on Windows 10 computer .

Did you use the newest version?: 

Version 3.3 (2018.09.17) [BUGFIX RELEASE]


I used the portable version without problems under Windows 10:

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On 11/23/2018 at 7:49 AM, Emailleray said:

you mean Method 2: How to Burn ISO Image to USB Drive Using RMPrepUSB


Files are often corrupted or not burned properly many times.


sounds exactly what people want... :thumbup:


or Method 1: Burn ISO Image to USB Drive with WizISO?

which doesn't mention disk verification anywhere? Doesn't make sense too.

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I used for a longer time not Samsung ProEndurance SD cards and the quality looks a lot higher. Not even 1 Samsung card is broken instead of a few Sandisk cards... :) I read on another Raspi forum that Samsung cards functions the best. So it looks it does! Maybe a tip when you doubt to choose a SD brand.

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16 hours ago, haajee said:

instead of a few Sandisk cards


I have mainly Samsung EVO and Sandisks Extreme A1 around. Due to the nature of our work I am doing nasty stuff to them and they also (Samsung) eventually break ;)

Until you don't go out with extensive testing with few hundred pcs and you are 100% sure they are not fake, its hard to say anything. Fakes come in the same package sold by renown sellers ... this whole SD card saga is more related to the luck then anything. In last few years I already throw away a pile of them.

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The issue with burning images and getting the panic throw out from Raspberry Pi images is because the SD-CARD used and the image size do not match they differ by a small amount usually just a few megabytes on an 4, 8 or 16GB SDcard.  Does not matter which image software you use  and if you verify it or not unless they software fixes the partition up to match the card size it will throw a panic.


The latest version of Win32DiskImager will warn you the image size is different to the card size and allows you to continue but the produced image will panic.


The only way around the issue is using a partitioning tool to shorten the last partition back by say 500Mb so that the image size is guaranteed to be smaller than any card of the supposed size. Then image that card and it will work on any card of the supposed GB size.

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On 8/5/2019 at 8:28 AM, Igor said:


I have mainly Samsung EVO and Sandisks Extreme A1 around. Due to the nature of our work I am doing nasty stuff to them and they also (Samsung) eventually break ;)

Until you don't go out with extensive testing with few hundred pcs and you are 100% sure they are not fake, its hard to say anything. Fakes come in the same package sold by renown sellers ... this whole SD card saga is more related to the luck then anything. In last few years I already throw away a pile of them.


Oh i think you use the SD cards indeed al little bit (mean a lot!!) more intensive then i should do. Otherwise is in the dashcam's my idea also that the Samsung's has a longer lifetime than the Sandisk.


But i agree with you: the only correct way to check it is to buy a lot and do all the same things and see how long the SD cards live. Offcourse with originals. But even then could there be a bad batch of a brand... 'SD cards are consumable items' do i read somewhere on the internet. And i think we should agree. :)


Btw: is the lifetime of a onboard eMMC better than a SD card?

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Hi all,


newbee to Armbian here.


Have anyone burned img on MacOS and boot OPI4 LTS successfully?


My situation is when I burned the img on MacOS (tried using dd, elenaecther, or RPI4 imager), once the write and verify is completed, the sdcard cannot be read by MacOS. When it is used to boot OPI4, nothing came up.


I have a few sdcards lying around which works fine for RPI4. I can basically read the sdcard when it is imaged with RPI img file but not the same case after burning the Armbian or OPI4 stocked img files. Could this be specific to these img files on macOS? I do not have windows to try out. The img sha and asc verified.


This is what is shown on the diskutil command eventhough macOS cannot read it:


/dev/disk3 (external, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *15.9 GB    disk3
   1:                      Linux ⁨⁩                        1.6 GB     disk3s1
                    (free space)                         14.3 GB    -


I tried a serial connection to OPI4 but what I seen is garbage output ... tried many different baud rate also same. So basically I have no clue what could be wrong.


This is what I see from the CoolTerm output.


Baudrate: 1500000
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: off 


I also try to mount the img file in macOS but seems got problem. This same situation happens to focal version.


sudo hdiutil mount Armbian_22.02.1_Orangepi4_bullseye_current_5.15.25.img
hdiutil: mount failed - no mountable file systems


Any idea?


please help and thank you very much.

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For writing on MacOS, is use usbimager


But read carefully these hints:



MacOSX: 10.14 an up: go to "System Preferences", "Security & Privacy" and "Privacy". Add USBImager to the list of "Full Disk Access". Alternatively run from a Terminal as sudo /Applications/USBImager.app/Contents/MacOS/usbimager (this latter is the only way under 10.13).


and it works..



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I have the same problem but usbimager doesn't work either. I've tried Etcher, Raspberry Pi Imager and usbimager and they all result in the card being unreadable by MacOS. I can flash Raspbian, the BTT version from their site (outdated) but not Armbian, specifically 24.2.3 Bookworm Minimal.

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@SteeMan I'm trying to image the BTT version for Klipper. All linux images I have flashed using RPI imager since it has been available (Debian, Raspbian, TinyCoreLinux, Ubuntu and a number of smaller distros) have all been readable after burning. The SD card does work but I had to connect it to a TV, LAN and keyboard to configure the wifi settings. This is problematic due to TV overscan making the edges of the display not visible and some of the menu selection numbers not being visible. RPi imager handles some settings such as user, wifi & ssh automatically for some distros but in other cases the config files can be edited by hand after burning, which is why I would have preferred the card to be readable.

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I'm assuming the image is using an ext4 filesystem, and macos isn't able to read a Linux ext4 filesystem.  I'f you were to use the SD card on any Linux box it should be readable.  Or install ext4 support on your Mac.

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Posted (edited)
On 3/11/2024 at 4:32 PM, alidaf said:

RPI imager


Necro thread, but wanted to clarify since not mentioned.

The raspberry pi imager does way more than just "write the img to the sd card". It is aimed for use with rpiOS not "any img file".



Firstly, Raspberry Pi Imager downloads a .JSON file from our website with a list of all current download options, ensuring you are always installing the most up-to-date version.

Once you’ve selected an operating system from the available options, the utility reads the relevant file directly from our website and writes it straight to the SD card.

Use something other than that.

Edited by bedna
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