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On 5/8/2019 at 4:56 PM, HieuNV said:

after enter password root, 

It stop at penguin 

Write in detail all your steps.


On 5/9/2019 at 1:25 PM, Reddwarf said:

is there a built-in decoder in 5.84 that uses the Mali GPU?



On 5/10/2019 at 1:02 PM, Dariusz Biernat said:

Hi, which version of dtb (or image) should i use for mecool bb2 pro (s912) with android 7.1.1, kernel version 3.14.29? Currently the device does not boot.


6 hours ago, balbes150 said:


Let me rephrase the question, does any image have a decoder that uses Mali GPU? Is the Mali supported at all in the newer kernels?


12 hours ago, Reddwarf said:

Let me rephrase the question, does any image have a decoder that uses Mali GPU? Is the Mali supported at all in the newer kernels?

yes (Lima for s905 and Panfrost for s912)

12 hours ago, Reddwarf said:


Video decoding with vdec module supported since 4.x kernel. But it requires GL accelerated video driver. Lima for mali-450 and panfrost for mali-820 DRM drivers already accepted to upcoming kernel 5.2. And with newest mesa it should finally work to view hw decoded videos on amlogic chips with mainline kernel.

1 hour ago, sivanoff said:

Lima for mali-450 and panfrost for mali-820 DRM drivers already accepted to upcoming kernel 5.2. And with newest mesa it should finally work to view hw decoded videos on amlogic chips with mainline kernel.

This is good news. Kernel 5.2is coming out as the next iteration.. So this should be working on s912 boards very very soon?


I can't get neither 5.84 nor 5.86 images to work properly on my MXQ Pro+ 4k, the dtb that boots best is the gxbb...212 but the board number on this MXQ is actually 213 and there is no dtb with that number. Will it work to hack out the dtb from the Android that came with it?

10 hours ago, amirul said:

On paper, better than RK3399? Looking forward to this 

It's marketing, don't look at it. :)


10 hours ago, Reddwarf said:

Will it work to hack out the dtb from the Android that came with it?



@balbes150 dtb files from CoreElec seems to work better on my Tanix TX92, 2GB/16GB TV box than meson ones, in my view. Why they aren't included in Armbian?

23 minutes ago, somzet said:

dtb files from CoreElec seems to work better on my Tanix TX92, 2GB/16GB TV box than meson ones, in my view. Why they aren't included in Armbian? 

You are wrong, these DTB basically cannot run on the new kernel.

21 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Update image ver 5.86

I did a fresh install of your Armbian_5.86_Aml-s905_Debian_buster_default_5.1.0_20190514.img
while coming from a "pure" S912 armbian 5.73

(always using the .dtb from the khadvas 2 on my Sunvell T95KPro  (S912) because there is the LED for heartbeat available)


I recognized that there isnt a u-boot .deb anymore, because my script line 

ARMBIAN_uboot=$(dpkg -s linux-u-boot-aml-s905-default|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')

did fail.


So I changed my package-info script addtion to /etc/update-motd.d/10-armbian-header for the S905 armbian to:

ARMBIAN_bsp=$(more /etc/armbian-release|grep VERSION|cut -f 2 -d '=')
ARMBIAN_kernel=$(dpkg -s linux-image-aml-s905|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
# ARMBIAN_uboot=$(dpkg -s linux-u-boot-aml-s905-default|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ARMBIAN_dtb=$(dpkg -s linux-dtb-aml-s905|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ARMBIAN_firmware=$(dpkg -s firmware-armbian-full|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ARMBIAN_config=$(dpkg -s armbian-config|grep Version|cut -f 2 -d ' ')

printf 'package bsp-kernel[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m] dtb[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m] firmware[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m] config[\e[0;91m%s\x1B[0m]\n' "$ARMBIAN_kernel" "$ARMBIAN_dtb" "$ARMBIAN_firmware" "$ARMBIAN_config"
printf '\n'


I also got some small problem with timeout-counters at the boot and reboot.
At boot the wrote "a start job is running for helper to sychronize ifupdown

I had deinstalled the Network-Mananger, but the real problem where the two following lines in my /etc/network/interfaces:

allow-hotplug eth0
no-auto-down eth0

after commenting them out - the timeout for the boot was resolved.


But I also got a timeout-timer while rebooting - it was a job for synchronizing the memory?


Because I didnt could find a a real solution I edited /etc/systemd/system.conf and activated the follwoing two lines:


Now the S905-named image is working like the S912-image before.

Do dou got any ideas abou these timeout-timers?

43 minutes ago, amirul said:

Ok then. Was looking at this from a local supplier:

If there is no rush, I recommend waiting until the price announcement for VIM3 and Ugos AM6. If not a secret, what tasks are they going to do with this equipment ?



info Beelink s922


2 hours ago, balbes150 said:

If there is no rush, I recommend waiting until the price announcement for VIM3 and Ugos AM6. If not a secret, what tasks are they going to do with this equipment ?

As per their About page, they are "dedicated to accelerate the adoption of NFC technology". That's about as much that I know


Testing X9T Pro (S912 3Gb RAM Gb NIC) today with ARMBIAN 5.86 user-built Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 5.1.0-aml-s905 and using meson-gxm-vega-s96.dtb.


Also tested desktop version.


Boots fine.  Network comes up.  Looks like it talks IP6 just fine except that it cannot get to the armbian site on update using IP6.


Wierd stuff with SSH.  Reconfigured it and sometimes it just disconnects me.


Disabled IP6 via armbian-config.  Rebooted.  Boot up got stuck in boot directory.  Cold booted and it was OK and accessible via SSH.


Using armbian-config installed desktop except that root ssh got locked.  Redid the ssh config.  Rebooted from console.


Keep having issues with root and user ssh access.  IE: disconnects randomly.


Not sure what the issue is right now.  For headless server use only care about the network connection. 


What is not needed is bluetooth or WLAN.















5 hours ago, balbes150 said:

If there is no rush, I recommend waiting until the price announcement for VIM3 and Ugos AM6. If not a secret, what tasks are they going to do with this equipment ?



info Beelink s922


High performance soc with flat metal heat sink...  what a genius R&D)


Updating from Armbian 5.84 to 5.86, how lolg shoult it actually take? My Mini M8S has been "compiling headers" for 10 hours now.....


Posted (edited)

@balbes150 Are you going to continue the disco variant? I noticed that 5.86 is only debian and bionic again. Very happy with disco on the Odroid N2 here, that's why I am asking.


The only thing I noticed: When trying to install lirc, I get a core dump, and the package remains half installed. Didn't have the time yet to further debug.

Edited by emk2203
add'l info
On 5/16/2019 at 11:47 PM, Reddwarf said:

Updating from Armbian 5.84 to 5.86, how lolg shoult it actually take? My Mini M8S has been "compiling headers" for 10 hours now.....

What headers do you compile when you upgrade ?


16 hours ago, emk2203 said:

Are you going to continue the disco variant? I noticed that 5.86 is only debian and bionic again. Very happy with disco on the Odroid N2 here, that's why I am asking.


The only thing I noticed: When trying to install lirc, I get a core dump, and the package remains half installed. Didn't have the time yet to further debug.

Now Disko does not work LIGHTDM, so I do not build these versions. After the packages are fixed, I will continue to build them.

On 5/19/2019 at 12:22 PM, balbes150 said:

What headers do you compile when you upgrade ?


I was just running "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" And the last message was "Compiling headers, please wait", and it never finished.

On another box (Mini M8S) I installed the files one by one starting with the linux image and ending with headers if all worked well.


Update image ver 5.86

For the N2 image version, the ability to directly start the system from USB has been added. Details can be seen in this topic.




21 hours ago, amirul said:

 How does the Odroid-N2 running 5.86_20190519 perform compared to RK3399?

The result depends on the problem to be solved. In some tasks (terms of use) N2 is better and in others Khadas EDGE (RK3399) is better. To recommend something,you need to know the list of tasks and conditions of use. :)


1 hour ago, Reddwarf said:

I was just running "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" And the last message was "Compiling headers, please wait", and it never finished.

On another box (Mini M8S) I installed the files one by one starting with the linux image and ending with headers if all worked well. 

If you do not compile anything on the device, do not put extra packages, it can create unnecessary problems (if you do not understand their purpose). To update the kernel, you only need to install two packages "deb" "image"

On 5/18/2019 at 8:20 PM, emk2203 said:

Are you going to continue the disco variant? I noticed that 5.86 is only debian and bionic again. Very happy with disco on the Odroid N2 here, that's why I am asking.


The only thing I noticed: When trying to install lirc, I get a core dump, and the package remains half installed. Didn't have the time yet to further debug.

The website has added images of the Server Disco


By the way, all the latest images for N2 now have support for direct launch from USB.

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