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Everything posted by Igor

  1. https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/patch/kernel/sunxi-next/17-1-enable-hdmi-video-on-several-boards.patch
  2. Without logs, it is extremely hard to assist. Type: armbianmonitor -u Add: rather get one of tested. It might be cheaper, scroll down.
  3. Because there is no support for it in this kernel and it looks drivers are not very stable in modern kernel either according to @Rosimildo
  4. Two things. Nightly images are not supported - they are built automatically from latest source. They work or not. We discover such troubles in next couple of days ... Second. If you break the user creation, your desktop will not go up - just read the text at first login/user creation. It's written what will happen. I am not exactly sure, but creating a user manually and adding/enabling /etc/default/nodm + reboot might do.
  5. Auto desktop login is by default if a user is created during the first boot. Perhaps that is the problem? Or bad SD card media?
  6. Known or unknown bug. Those images are testing/preview builds and were not tested yet. We collect bugs this organized way - soon, any help is welcomed.
  7. Our Ubuntu is as clean and secure as Debian. It's not only a commercialized version ... Stretch has some serious bugs in network section plus probably other undiscovered ones. Jessie - as the only other option - uses (much) older package base than Ubuntu. Don't worry about and rather stay on Ubuntu for few months. Or ignore my advice and proceed here: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation
  8. Build on your own if you can't wait for official release. Then we will add Debian Stretch. There are few troubles with it and that is the reason we don't put it out yet. Ubuntu Xenial is right way ... in essence, it's Debian anyway.
  9. Get this one. It's much better. https://dl.armbian.com/orangepizero/Ubuntu_xenial_next_nightly.7z Those DEV builds will be removed ASAP.
  10. Yes. There is no support for this device unless we/you add it. For an expert, it's a half an hour job or it can take days. You know this when the device - which we don't have or deal with - starts to work In general we avoid dealing with 3rd party hardware as our resources are extremely scarce. But we encourage people to supply patches of this kind. Then this functionality becomes available for everyone in next upgrade (apt update & apt upgrade). In beta builds this happens in less than 24h while for stable builds we need to wait more time. I understand that this job can be challenging for nonhacker, but we made the building process as simple as possible and it's worth investing some time and trying to solve this puzzle.
  11. We don't pack or provide MALI for Odroids but I guess you should be able to make use of Maveric work. I can't give you more detail how to and guarantee that it works, but it's worth trying: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=5908
  12. It's possible that this device will not work on this old kernel. There are instructions and a patch for kernel 3.19 or higher: https://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Easycap ... for the device which looks like the same as yours. You don't need to reinstall Armbian but you most likely will need to recompile the kernel and install it over yours. If that patch aligns nicely with a modern kernel, it can be added by default. Try if you can do it on your own: https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute
  13. In most cases, it's safe to enable such 3rd party hardware drivers. They are enabled in other kernel packages while this particular kernel is in the phase of making. Problems are with lack of low-level support for this (Amlogic) chip. If USB is working ... in theory it should work everything that is plugged in.
  14. Wrong title. Your customizations caused that! I never crashed my host rootfs. The script is running with root privileges and you have to understand what you are doing.
  15. The right question is: Does Armbian support R2. No.
  16. You can and you should actually do it on your own. Start here: https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute/, recompile the kernel and supply adjusted kernel config. If this sounds a bit too complex or you don't have the infrastructure, you need to wait that it's added. It's yet another task on our very long task list.
  17. Thank you for the tip. If anyone wants to have this problem fixed in less than one year: https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute
  18. Thanks for a checkup. There will be no further Opi Zero wifi driver development.
  19. Thank you! Additional mirrors should help. Technical requirements: ~ 500Gb space, rsync, IPv6 ... What else? I have little to no experiences to set automated mirrors up ... we can divert/balance download directly at download page so we don't need any advanced schema? Package repository mirroring. Manual or automatic? I would add apt.uk.armbian.com, dl.uk.armbian.com, ...
  20. Hostapd comes from our repository, while the rest comes from Ubuntu. Not our bug. https://www.google.si/search?q=apt+upgrade+fails+with+bad+URLs
  21. No particular reason ... will be tuned out eventually.
  22. - build farm memory successfully upgraded to 128MB (2x32GB leaving space for two more). Saving some 30 minutes of time every day and SSDs wear out. - main download server was also moved this weekend to gigabit line. The speed increase was very nice addon but the problem is that we are limited to 10TB/month in this package. First day traffic RX bytes:12556064698 (12.5 GB) TX bytes:309580270956 (309.5 GB) tells everything Infrastructure costs just went up and will go up once again in next month since there is no way we could stay within such limits.
  23. I delete it after replaying since I was not reading carefully. Nothing to add to what I already wrote.
  24. To get current 4.13 you need to switch to NEXT branch. Check "alternative kernels" in armbian-config or download it manually from beta.armbian.com together with dtb package. Wrote on mobile
  25. NEXT stable. Made from a recent mainline stable base. We have currently 100+ patches on top and few more are expected to make those little boards usable with a modern kernel. Just hundreds of working hours and we are done
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