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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Agree. They are close but not to be labeled stable. One week from now this will not be changed. But we can expand nightlies until release? I don't mind doubling daily images production
  2. With HDMI plugged in is the same. But sometimes it doesn't crash.
  3. No, I haven't dug deeper into this issue but I would like to see this sorted ... once.
  4. You don't understand, do you? Forwarding not answered topics to my/our private communication addresses is recognized as abuse. Perhaps a ban would be better? We/I do answer if possible, but you are (nobody is) not in a position to add pressure on support or demand help. SPI based display video drivers are not our work - better seek help in general forum or ask driver author.
  5. Where else do we need by default? - analogue-audio ? - usbhost0 everywhere for g_serial or only for Neoair, Neo2, Zero2, ... usbhost2 for enabling USB on a header on Opi Zero2
  6. Odroid C2 next is broken since last 7 days because we moved to mainline u-boot and things will be (probably) ready when the kernel is moved to 4.14.y This is the only image with a modern kernel that works - and don't upgrade it. https://dl.armbian.com/odroidc2/archive/TEST-Armbian_5.34_Odroidc2_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.13.9_desktop.7z You can try to check out our build script to the 23.10. ... and recompile the kernel. This is the best at this particular moment.
  7. Implement them to board configuration like: DEFAULT_OVERLAY="usbhost2" or hardcode into device tree?
  8. Yes. And not just here. We discussed this briefly here https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/798 but it was off topic and we didn't continue. Shall we simply add this to armbian-config?
  9. usbhost2 is needed for mSATA http://sprunge.us/HWEa
  10. mSATA works when enabling other USB ports http://sprunge.us/AffX
  11. I upload an image: https://dl.armbian.com/nanopiduo/nightly/. Boot logs: http://sprunge.us/OhHi ... besides WiFi and ethernet, USB ports are up. I did not test header functions ... mSATA in the position as on picture is not recognized. I am not sure this part is powered at all.
  12. I don't remember if I was able to break into u-boot prompt (this can be disabled) but most likely I was able to use the serial console for logging in. If that is working for you and you can't stop u-boot ... you just find another problem
  13. Move to most recent build, 4.11.x was never finished, is EOL and unsupported. https://dl.armbian.com/nanopineo/Ubuntu_xenial_next_nightly.7z
  14. Yes, it's planned in about two weeks. https://www.armbian.com/
  15. We want to merge eMMC/non eMMC images and in theory, it should work. eMMC version works on my Lime2 but just to make sure I need some feedback from Micro with and without eMMC, especially most recent ones. Lime2 with or without eMMC https://dl.armbian.com/lime2/Debian_stretch_next_nightly.7z Micro with or without eMMC https://dl.armbian.com/micro/Debian_stretch_next_nightly.7z Thank you.
  16. A small addition to the topic. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/bd0b0354b5013e9f7629520bc7f841303247255a Perhaps we just got a new best cheap adaptor, Comfast 915AC which runs very nice with this driver. I have 1W AP at 2.4G and within two walls and a lot of stations around making noise ... At the testing spot, my phone transfer rate is 20-40down/10-30up (depend on which time of a day I do the test) ... while running AP with this adaptor I get at 5Ghz AC mode more or less constant transfer rate 70/70Mbps. Note that it is 1T/1T only. There is a variant of 8811au with BT radio, which it would be nice to test and a big 4T4R.
  17. Small changes: - friendly URLs with backward compatibility Before: https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/3328-cubox-i-unable-to-boot-latest-test-images-with-kernel-495 After https://forum.armbian.com/topic/3328-cubox-i-unable-to-boot-latest-test-images-with-kernel-495/ - remove "Forums" from the main page
  18. I am not using RPi so "latest release" tells me nothing Kernel version or better - kernel sources are what we need to know.
  19. apt update & upgrade updates your current (3.x) kernel, not an alternative one. Take a look here to understand little more. You need to use a beta repository or nightly image to use/switch to this kernel in a simple fashion.
  20. I plan to implement this function to armbian-config, but until then, check this working example. Except for an extra wireless AP, this is what you want and it can be little simplified since you don't need a bridge when using a single adaptor. /etc/network/interfaces /etc/dnsmasq.conf (you need to install dnsmasq) /etc/iptables.ipv4.wlan.nat # add this to rc.local right before exit0: iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.wlan.nat Edit and enable net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf We have two wireless adapters, one (wlan0) is connected to the internet via nmcli-connect. That's why it's not in a interfaces config, but you can add it there and forget about Network manager role. The other wireless adaptor acts as an AP and it's optional for this setup since it's a part of a bridge, together with ethernet. There, on the bridge br0, a DHCP service is giving IP addresses and iptables are here to provide masquerading. Remember that access to the machine is possible from both networks.
  21. We didn't get there yet but you can try to look how this is done on Pinebook which fancy similar chip. BT is working there - but on the old kernel. Check here if you can make use of it: https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/master/packages/bsp/pinebook
  22. You mean to connect with one adaptor (wifi or wired) to some network and run AP on the other adapter?
  23. A source is checked out by default. You need to switch to "edit" mode. CREATE_PATCHES=yes ... https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/ This will prompt you to make changes to the source code. Then you make them. After you are done, return and press ENTER. This will also create a patch in output/patches ... which you can move later to appropriate userpatches directory or submit upstream.
  24. The installer copies your SD card to target (USB, eMMC , ...) and alter boot procedure, transfer boot loader ... etc. You can do it anytime, but it will be faster when it will have fewer files to transfer.
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