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Auto user login

Go to solution Solved by Igor,

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Just did a new armbian build


and flashed the image.


It works ok but after some reboot times the auto login to desktop is not working anymore and it prompts for user login.

Tried quite a few times to re-install but always after a few shutdown and start again cycles it reverts to login prompt and not auto login.


Also tried to find a solution in the forum but the files and config involved in previous solutions is no longer valid in the newer builds (/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf or /etc/default/nodm).


So the question is this, how can I configure the systen for having auto login ?





Need to check armbian-config, but you can try  this in the mean time:


  On 1/15/2021 at 9:46 PM, Christos said:

It works ok but after some reboot times the auto login to desktop is not working anymore and it prompts for user login.



This is now / since some time / the defaults.



Thanks @Igor

Hmm.. file (22-armbian-autologin.conf) looks not present now


christos@orangepipc:/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 110 Jan 15 18:39 11-armbian.conf


I added the file manually with the indicated contents and now it does work and autologin is ok.


Did though a new install and seen that the specific autologin config file is there present..

I'm gonna use another microsd just in case, it a first to have such issue (using SanDisk A1 16GB) but who knows.






  On 1/16/2021 at 4:28 PM, Christos said:

looks not present now


That is expected. Later on a timer starts which delete this file:


We figured out that it's best to provide autologin only at first run. If you want to have it always, you have to enable it manually by creating such file or that used to work fine via armbian-config, but it needs to be checked and fixed if it doesn't work anymore.


Ohh.. ok @Igor,


So its not a gremlin :-))

It got really weird but now its explained, thanks.


So, what is the appropriate procedure if someone wants to have the autologin always enabled?

You mentioned armbian-config but I could not find any relevant option there to use, could it be removed at some time or should I look better?



Thanks @Igor ,


I thought based on what you said  that there is some other method with armbian-config, ok no worries.


I got it now, it seems that the remove auto login service is a one-off, so it runs once after 10mins and removes the auto login and it never runs again so if we put again back the deleted file everything will be ok.


Thanks again




IMHO earlier, in all Armbian builds, autologin was enabled by default and all users are used to this behavior, so it is advisable to keep this in new versions (i.e. make autologin enabled by default and disable autologin yourself, through the armbian-config setting). For many users, this will preserve the usual behavior and at the same time allow you to disable autologin (if necessary).

  On 1/16/2021 at 8:41 PM, Igor said:

I already explained in my 1st reply. copy https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/packages/bsp/common/usr/lib/armbian/armbian-firstlogin#L297-L304 exchange $realusername with your username and paste.


I use rockpro64 on version 21.08 .
I tried everything according to the boss's instructions On armbian 21.08 for rockpro64 there are no these files ((/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/60-lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf or /etc/default/nodm).
I removed these 2 lines (https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/packages/bsp/common/usr/lib/armbian/armbian-firstlogin#L297-L304) and then changed "root" " to my username but it still doesn't auto-login, requires password to login.
Also at these links (https://forum.armbian.com/topic/1903-autologin-to-armbian-console/) I tried but everything is useless.
At this path(https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/packages/bsp/common/usr/lib/armbian/armbian-firstlogin#L297-L304) I replace 21 name $realusername to username but it still asks for password when logging in
Maybe my actions are wrong, so when I go to the login interface, they always ask me to enter a password to use. I want to auto login without using password, please help me, thanks!


This worked for me:


added the following two lines to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/11-armbian.conf

autologin-user=<YOUR USER>


the complete file:




Note that I also removed the password for my user (in my case 'pi')


Posted (edited)

Has Auto user login been added to armbian-config as intimated by @Igor in the 3rd post?  This seems like a feature that should be available there but I cannot find it in armbian-config. 

Edited by ltorsini
added Igor tag
  1. Go in armbian-config -> System -> Desktop -> Disable Desktop
  2. Start armbian-config again -> System -> Desktop -> Enable autologin? -> Yes
  3. Enjoy

@Developers: this functionality is a little bit confusing and difficult to find. Should I add an issue about it?

  On 12/31/2022 at 2:51 PM, atone said:

@Developers: this functionality is a little bit confusing and difficult to find. Should I add an issue about it?


Giving us more work is pointless as we are years behind. Scope of desired changes from users side exceeds developers capacity for quite a lot. This is all what we can do in order to start moving this project (improving this application in all aspects, including UX) forward:



I just don't get it! You (developers) have removed a basic function and just told us (users) to be silent or make all fixes by ourselves! This is too important to be ignored! There is no point of creating an improvement after YOU killed the project! Basic stuff needs fast fixes before improvements!


@vitor  Have you paid for support?  Armbian is composed of volunteers who donate their time.  If no volunteer desires to work on any particular board/feature/bug, no one is getting paid to be told to add such board/feature/bug.  This is open source so anyone can go in and make changes/fixes/improvements and then hopefully submit them back for others to benefit from.  First and foremost Armbian provides a place (forums, frameworks, source code) for anyone to join the volunteer community and help support the wide variety of boards that are out there.

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