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Posted (edited)


I would like to download the iso of the Orange pi One Plus with Kernel 4.19.

But when i click on the link the image that i download is whit Kernel 4.18.

Can you help me?.


Edited by JAMP04

Download it, move to nightly repository (armbian-config) and run apt-get update and upgrade and check kernel version. There are no vital changes anyway ...


  On 1/3/2019 at 4:31 PM, JAMP04 said:

Can you help me?.



Can you help us? To move development further. Current H6 support is not finished. There is no HDMI support, there are problems with network, ...


Images [edit: for boards with Allwinner H6 SoC] with kernel versions above 4.18.0-rc7 are unbootable anyways AFAIK. But feel free to update your kernel within the OS like Igor said. Please let me know if it still boots.


Thank you very much for the response, but after apt-upgrade. The board not boot and the red led is turn on. I will wait for a more stable version for H6. Regards.



Hi - can one do a "  cpufreq-info " please?

Although this board is still in WIP,  I was just wondering if it is stable for ovpn ( stretch server/headless ) purposes running kernel >= 4.20 ?

Also in terms of speed, can it be " overclocked " similar idea like the H5 (NEO2-LTS v1.1) and last but not least wonder about its speeds, eg: " openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc "


  On 3/12/2019 at 12:58 AM, dolphs said:

Hi - can one do a "  cpufreq-info " please?

Although this board is still in WIP,  I was just wondering if it is stable for ovpn ( stretch server/headless ) purposes running kernel >= 4.20 ?

Also in terms of speed, can it be " overclocked " similar idea like the H5 (NEO2-LTS v1.1) and last but not least wonder about its speeds, eg: " openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc "




  Reveal hidden contents

It is German but you should get the idea.

  Reveal hidden contents

I switched the governor to performance beforehand.


tl;dr: Running great with Stretch and OpenVPN.



Edit: Oops, I did these tests on the wrong board which still running on kernel 4.17.14. Other board is capable to run at 1.8GHz, so the results should be even better.


> Edit: Oops, I did these tests on the wrong board which still running on kernel 4.17.14. Other board is capable to run at 1.8GHz, so the results should be even better.


thanks for your response.

If I understand you correctly never revisions of the board can indeed run on 1,8GHz ( overclocking )?

In other words if you acquire a board from " Shenzhen Xunlong Software CO.,Limited " now it should be fine.


Output looked already promising (1,5GHz), but don't think kernel >=4.20 ( thus also 5.0.x ) will make much difference rgd OpenVPN, AES.

As far I can read stuff GPU and HDMI are being enhanced at this stage, or am I wrong?


If I understand you correctly never revisions of the board can indeed run on 1,8GHz ( overclocking )?

In other words if you acquire a board from " Shenzhen Xunlong Software CO.,Limited " now it should be fine.


Yes and no. The H6 SoC is designed to run on 1.8 GHz. In the early stage of (software-)development the CPU has been capped at 1.5GHz for safety reasons. So with the current kernel it runs as it should. No idea if it is capable for overclocking.




As far I can read stuff GPU and HDMI are being enhanced at this stage, or am I wrong?


I don't know. @martinayotte?


These are the results for the board running 4.20

  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



cheers - Last but not least, which heatsink can be used?

Although I won't be using it 24/7 on 1,8Ghz ( most of time idle in fact ) I like to add a heatsink.

As I noticed a 3M heatsink sticker is sold only with a housing , I like to add a heatsink element to it but

should have the measurements of the H6 CPU/GPU chip used, please? TiA!


The older 1+ on 4.17.14 has now an uptime of about 200 days without any cooling whatsoever. Also idle most times but even under load (no GPU load) it throttles at about 75°C as stated. 


Heatsink can be even counterproductive as it stores the heat when no proper air flow is guaranteed.


I would just give it a try without and monitor the temperatures over a time. You can for example use armbianmonitor -m and pipe the output into a file.


hi Werner, again appreciate your quick response :-).


Sure I'd like to try with and without a heat sink to see how things go.

However note environment board is being used in, can be +/- 45 in summer and past year I learnt on current devices temperatures measured can be easily around 70C.

Therefore a decent heatsink in an effort cooling things down is on my wishlist, current temperatures of current devices used list "31" and "34"C BTW.


But as mentioned seeking dimensions of the V200-AWIN H6 CPU/GPU chip, as well for the memory chip (1GB LPDDR3) would be nice.

I did find a topic here, but that regards the OPi lite2 which should have similar dimensions ( 37*37*24mm ) that apply for the One Plus IMHO (Allwinner H6).


If I am unable to cool it properly I am considering the Acrylic Case with Fan Kit attached to this message,

but the amount of dB is something that is of utmost importance, if <=15dB I'm ok ;-) ...

Anyone tested temperatures ( running 1,8GHz approx one hour ) with this housing and fan?





  On 3/15/2019 at 10:14 AM, constantius said:

1.8 GHZ works with Orange PI image Xenial Desktop - kernel 3.10.

These two fans are enough... Iam enable watch youtube 360pp.


I just build a Armbian image for the Orange Pi 3. The performance is a lot better. It doesn't throttle quickly.
But there is something strange with the temperatures. I'm reading temperatures of 75°C while 7z b, while my heatsink doesn't feel hot to the touch. When the test is done it immediatly goes back to 40°C.
I tried different heatsinks, small ones and bigger ones. The same result.

But when I don't use a heatsink and put my finger on the SoC, then it gets very hot very fast.
So the problem probably is that this SoC is too small to be able to dissipate the heat well into a heatsink.

At least it now performs almost 2x as fast as the Orange Pi image with kernel 3.10. But hdmi resolution is 1024x768.


Probably because the 3.10.65 based images from Xulong supplied for H6 wasting 75% of the CPU in heat...

Anyway, did you try different types thermally conductive paste? 

  On 3/12/2019 at 12:58 AM, dolphs said:

Also in terms of speed, can it be " overclocked " similar idea like the H5 (NEO2-LTS v1.1) and last but not least wonder about its speeds, eg: " openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc "




I ran this on a 5.0.2 kernel, and the results are even better:

johan@orangepioneplus:~$ openssl speed -evp aes-128-cbc
Doing aes-128-cbc for 3s on 16 size blocks: 22994546 aes-128-cbc's in 3.00s
Doing aes-128-cbc for 3s on 64 size blocks: 18305176 aes-128-cbc's in 3.00s
Doing aes-128-cbc for 3s on 256 size blocks: 9596358 aes-128-cbc's in 3.00s
Doing aes-128-cbc for 3s on 1024 size blocks: 3415788 aes-128-cbc's in 3.00s
Doing aes-128-cbc for 3s on 8192 size blocks: 490837 aes-128-cbc's in 3.00s
Doing aes-128-cbc for 3s on 16384 size blocks: 247789 aes-128-cbc's in 3.00s
OpenSSL 1.1.0j  20 Nov 2018
built on: reproducible build, date unspecified
options:bn(64,64) rc4(char) des(int) aes(partial) blowfish(ptr) 
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes  16384 bytes
aes-128-cbc     122637.58k   390510.42k   818889.22k  1165922.30k  1340312.23k  1353258.33k

I don't really know how to interprete this numbers, but for 8192 and 16384 bytes, this even beats my i7-7500U, which I find strange.


Still awaiting my boards to arrive, like to test it with latest 5.x dev kernel by then to see when it throttles sending " iperfs " over the VPN tunnel.

Not sure if the governor works on " conservative '  ( instead of ondemand ) that way it increases slowly from lowest frequency ( 888 ? ) to 1,8GHz so I should see an increase of data being sent thru the tunnel once CPU frequency increases. Moreover I like to experiment building a custom kernel ( without driver support for bluetooth, wifi, sound/multimedia etc ) as board will be solely used for VPN purposes ( as well pi-hole ).


Still did not decide how to deploy the H6,  sure will start without any custom solution and will add the default "Heat Sink" as supplied by Shenzhen Xunlong (though I do not think it is suitable for this Orange Pi One Plus H6 board). 

So in the end either deploy with case and cooling ( as shown earlier in this thread ) or add 3M 8810 tape with a proper copper heatsink. It is sad there is no clear 1-way-solution provided by vendor and people need to trial-and-error to get this board in to production with proper cooling so it can cope with environments where 40-45 degrees Celcius room temperature is possible in summer.

As a side note the dimensions supplied are: CPU: 4*14MM/ H6: 15*15MM/ 1GB LPDDR3: 11.5*10.5MM.


Last but not least comparing the H5 to H6 ... My H5 board can run from 120MHz minimum to 1,3GHz tops, although 480MHz is the lowest value it is been using when in idle mode.

Can someone tell me pls if there is a noticable increase of power consumption when you compare both boards (neo2-lts vs Opi One Plus)?

I would like to know how much this board consumes when in idle mode and also when it is running at max speed.

I assume there is 1-2watts difference, but once the boards arrive I can verify using my wattage meter.





  On 3/19/2019 at 8:56 PM, johanvdw said:


I don't really know how to interprete this numbers, but for 8192 and 16384 bytes, this even beats my i7-7500U, which I find strange.



the results are really nice and similar to what Werner posted earlier ( reveal hidden contents ).

Once boards are hooked up on the proper locations and can be acceed through a oVPN tunnel I should be able to provide you with some nice " iperf " results sending TCP packages.

But I am not sure if I can do that before Easter, depends on my " heatsink " case 

  On 3/13/2019 at 9:44 AM, dolphs said:

If I am unable to cool it properly I am considering the Acrylic Case with Fan Kit attached to this message,

but the amount of dB is something that is of utmost importance, if <=15dB I'm ok ;-) ...

Anyone tested temperatures ( running 1,8GHz approx one hour ) with this housing and fan?







I have tested that kit, though with another heatsink. It kept temperatures below 50°C but was a bit noisy. I'm going to try if it still performs well at 3.3V instead of 5V.


I did some more measurement using that case. Moving the fan to 3.3 volt makes it virtually silent (I hardly hear it at 1m distance). Under full load (armbianmonitor -z in a loop) power consumption actually is never above 4W, so I think that with a large heatsink you could probably keep this cool even passively.


Anyway, with that case and a tiny ceramic heatsink (one similar to these one ) CPU temperature stayed below 65 (with the fan is at 3.3 volt).  With a slightly larger heatsink temperatures would remain even cooler I guess.


hi - thanks for that suggestion, going to try some of these.

Finally 1st board arrived and herewith my early ovpn testst ( 15 minutes tcp iperf dump ) running kernel 5.0.2 without heatsink and without fan running at 1,8GHZ:

ovpn@orangepioneplus:~# cpufreq-info | grep current
  current policy: frequency should be within 480 MHz and 1.80 GHz.
  current CPU frequency is 1.80 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).
  current policy: frequency should be within 480 MHz and 1.80 GHz.
  current CPU frequency is 1.80 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).
  current policy: frequency should be within 480 MHz and 1.80 GHz.
  current CPU frequency is 1.80 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).
  current policy: frequency should be within 480 MHz and 1.80 GHz.
  current CPU frequency is 1.80 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).


These are promising and interesting results, to be honest I am actually somewhat surprised - unless I am monitoring wrong values:

ovpn@orangepioneplus:~# paste <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/type) <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp) | column -s $'\t' -t | sed 's/\(.\)..$/.\1°C/'
cpu_thermal  53.7°C
gpu_thermal  47.8°C


Once board is back to idle I am reading results below:  dropping 10 degrees initially, which then drops further down to +/- 32C once fully idle.

That means when the ondemand governor set CPU frequency back to 480 MHz :

1/ once iperf stopped
cpu_thermal  42.4°C
gpu_thermal  43.7°C

2/ 5 minutes later
cpu_thermal  32.9°C
gpu_thermal  34.3°C


In two weeks I will be on the other end so I can test two H6 boards ( currently H6 and H5 )



Two things prevent me from switching over, mainly it seems u-boot currently randomize its MAC address, resulting in a different IP once rebooting.

Perhaps this is WIP due to the " reboot "  issue experienced on H6 boards?

Less annoying is I noticed is the crazy bright RED light that pops up and stays on,

maybe a 5V3A adapter should be used instead or this has nothing to do with it and therefore the red light can be dimmed/ shut off setting somewhere a 0 ( off )? 

Ideally I connect it to my USB2.0 port of my fritzbox so I won't need an additional adapter, but as said least worry



Meanwhile built an image with 4.19 few times, but seems the board does not boot up, 

is this known at current stage (Armbian_5.77_Orangepioneplus_Debian_stretch_next_4.19.25.img),

also seems revision 4.9.31 is available, therefore would it be possible to bump to this kernel please?

  On 3/24/2019 at 6:49 AM, dolphs said:

Less annoying is I noticed is the crazy bright RED light that pops up and stays on,



  On 3/24/2019 at 6:49 AM, dolphs said:

the red light can be dimmed/ shut off setting somewhere a 0 ( off )?


Simply do :

echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/orangepi\:red\:pwr/brightness



cheers for that martinayotte,

I was just wondering if this red light has some functional meaning ( eg. undervolt )?

If it really has no function except for " powered on "  indeed I could disable things this way. 

  On 3/24/2019 at 3:37 PM, dolphs said:

If it really has no function except for " powered on "  indeed I could disable things this way.


There is no other function, it is up to you to decide what to do with this LED, as well as the green one.


  On 3/24/2019 at 6:49 AM, dolphs said:

Two things prevent me from switching over, mainly it seems u-boot currently randomize its MAC address, resulting in a different IP once rebooting.


You can actually override the mac address in your networking configuration.


This is how I do it:

edit /etc/network/interfaces and add eg:


auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
hwaddress ether 69:de:92:ea:1f:e9

And then disable network manager and reload networking:

systemctl disable NetworkManager
systemctl restart networking

For me the major remaining issue to use this is the fact that the board still shuts down on reboot.

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