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Orangepi 3 h6 allwiner chip


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30 minutes ago, NicoD said:

For 1080p do this.

xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync &&  xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 1920x1080_60.00 && xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080_60.00

Look up to see how to do it with other resolutions.
@mraiser @TuricaT Can you guys test ethernet please?
SBC-bench result of the OPi3 with Armbian Bionic dev 5.0.2 fan at 3.3V : http://ix.io/1Ep9  

Thank you, 1920x1080 works with that. I can confirm ethernet works fine as well.

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20 minutes ago, mraiser said:

I can confirm ethernet works fine as well.

Thats good to know, did you do anything special? I just put the image on the SD, even used the fancy formatting tool recommended by armbian and plugged the thing in, red lights blinking but its not coming onto the network. I did not do any manual config of the image. Maybe its because my board does not have eMMC but this would be a bit of a surprise if this would make some difference. 


If someone has a clue I'll try it although I don't have much debugging tooling at hand right now, otherwise wait and see, thanks guys.

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There was a small fault in SBC-Bench. I fixed it. Now I know it doesn't underclock above 60C when on performance.  
@tkaiser line 180 V0.6.6         CpuFreq=$(awk '{printf ("%0.0f",$1/1000); }' </sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/cpufreq/${CpuFreqToQuery} 2>/dev/null)    -->   CpuFreq=$(awk '{printf ("%0.0f",$1/1000); }' </sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/${CpuFreqToQuery} 2>/dev/null) (I don't know if this is different on the OPi3 compared to other sbc's)

SBC-Bench result with 5V fan @ 5V http://ix.io/1EpH

I think I like this board.  ^_^
Amazing work done @martinayotte.     
I worked on the Rock64 the whole week, this is already better than the rock64 for me.

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5 minutes ago, Frank Kettenbeil said:

Seems we have a redefinition of some drivers here.

Right ! I've seen that today ... It seems that this patch/kernel/sunxi-dev/0081-arm64-arch_timer-Workaround-for-Allwinner-A64-timer-.patch as been commit directly into 5.0.2 branch, so this patch is become useless.

Since it become useless, I've just deleted it from Armbian patches.

Please, retry to build again ...

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There does seem to be something very strange with the temperature sensor.
When doing exactly the same test, one time I see 52°C. Like that without the fan it underclocks above 60°C. (I believe this to be the real temperature)
I reboot, and do the same test, and I get 75°C and no underclock. Another time I reach 68°C with the same test.

I'm using the same heatsink and fan at 3.3V. This worked great earlier on. Now it shows a lot higher temps, but it's not underclocking anymore. Still on ondemand.

The heatsink isn't hot at all. This is the same as what I've seen earlier. For some kind of reason the temperature sensor seems to give wrong values.
I'm using " cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp " in a taskbar app.

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20 hours ago, martinayotte said:

I must be blind today, I still have not found this DT glitch ...

Yes ! I was blind, because I've only search in my stuff, the glitch was elsewhere :

@megous , Megous 5.0.y branch has USB0-IDDET wrongly on PC6, one of the eMMC data pin, I've fixed it by assigning it to the good PC15 pin. :P

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On 3/25/2019 at 10:53 PM, martinayotte said:

Yes ! I was blind, because I've only search in my stuff, the glitch was elsewhere :

@megous , Megous 5.0.y branch has USB0-IDDET wrongly on PC6, one of the eMMC data pin, I've fixed it by assigning it to the good PC15 pin. :P


Thank you for your investigation and fix! - for those who could not do the build themselves yet - here you can find my updated image (Armbian_5.77_Orangepi3_Ubuntu_bionic_dev_5.0.4_desktop.img) with this patch included - please report, if the emmc works with this image, as I did not have the opportunity  to replace my own one, yet. - Thank you!

Edited 2019-03-30: private built file no longer available. You will be better off with  the nightly builds from armbian from now on:  https://dl.armbian.com/orangepi3/

Thanks to @martinayotte !

Edited by Frank Kettenbeil
deprecated file link no longer available
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4 hours ago, Frank Kettenbeil said:


Thank you for your investigation and fix! - for those who could not do the build themselves yet - here you can find my updated image (Armbian_5.77_Orangepi3_Ubuntu_bionic_dev_5.0.4_desktop.img) with this patch included - please report, if the emmc works with this image, as I did not have the opportunity  to replace my own one, yet. - Thank you!

Hi,the download page is not accessible.

I am in SIngapore

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10 hours ago, Frank Kettenbeil said:


Thank you for your investigation and fix! - for those who could not do the build themselves yet - here you can find my updated image (Armbian_5.77_Orangepi3_Ubuntu_bionic_dev_5.0.4_desktop.img) with this patch included - please report, if the emmc works with this image, as I did not have the opportunity  to replace my own one, yet. - Thank you!


Thank you!

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there is quite easy and good manual how to build an image by yourself. in that way you are sure that it is clean and latest/greatest version


I personally use vagrant setup as it looks like easiest way to do this on windows.




torrent images for orange pi 3



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On 3/25/2019 at 10:53 PM, martinayotte said:

Yes ! I was blind, because I've only search in my stuff, the glitch was elsewhere :

@megous , Megous 5.0.y branch has USB0-IDDET wrongly on PC6, one of the eMMC data pin, I've fixed it by assigning it to the good PC15 pin. :P

emmc installation fixed! thank u so much

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On 3/25/2019 at 5:53 PM, martinayotte said:

Yes ! I was blind, because I've only search in my stuff, the glitch was elsewhere :

@megous , Megous 5.0.y branch has USB0-IDDET wrongly on PC6, one of the eMMC data pin, I've fixed it by assigning it to the good PC15 pin. :P

I just built a fresh image using VirtualBox and I can confirm eMMC issue is fixed as well. Thank you!!!

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Find a issue about ethernet,when I use "ethtool eth0",system report speed is 1000Mbps. But I use iperf3 test link speed,eth0 link speed is  only  100Mbps。Did anyone have same issue ?  My image is builded by myself. The version is 5.0.4

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I'm planning on buying the OPI3 because of the rich feature set. I would love to put Armbian on it.

Building an image is no problem for me but I'm lost tracing the current issues and would like to know what those are at the moment.


I've found out:


- HDMI resolution output issues. Fixed

- CPU speed throttling issues. Fixed

- WiFi issues. Fixed

- eMMC issues: Fixed

- NIC issues: ??? No issues for some?

- Bluetooth issues: ???

- Sound issues: ???

- Reboot issues: ???


Can someone tell me if I'm correct about the above? Or i'm I wrong or missing something?

Edited by renedis
added sound issue
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On 3/27/2019 at 6:12 AM, Frank Kettenbeil said:


Thank you for your investigation and fix! - for those who could not do the build themselves yet - here you can find my updated image (Armbian_5.77_Orangepi3_Ubuntu_bionic_dev_5.0.4_desktop.img) with this patch included - please report, if the emmc works with this image, as I did not have the opportunity  to replace my own one, yet. - Thank you!

this build works on SD? 


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