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  1. Hi everyone, it's been a while since i've posted but I have a new project that i'd like to share and hopefully get feedback and ideas from the community. Ever since the first 2 x gigabit ethernet devices came out, I've been thinking that there were a lot of potentially interesting networking use cases. I happened to be re-configuring pihole on a new opi zero, and I had some hardware issues that caused my connection to be a bit flaky on a website that I "shouldn't" have been using. This gave me the inspiration to create a gateway that intentionally manipulates traffic in such a way that you train good usage habits of websites that can be addictive. How does it work? Nethadone leverages several eBPF programs to monitor and classify routed traffic as it passes through. Based on the configured policies, packets are slotted into a series of bandwidth classes. For anyone not familiar with eBPF, it's a powerful capability of newer Linux kernels, that allows C and Rust code to be compiled and run in a sort of kernel-space sandbox and loaded in realtime. Due to the efficiency of JIT-optimized eBPF code running inside the kernel, features that were possible only with expensive networking equipment are now feasible on something like an Orange Pi R1Plus. The flow of a packet through the moving parts of the system is here: There are three eBPF modules at work: A traffic monitor captures (saddr, daddr) pairs from clients on the network to external IPs, counting the bytes used. These counters are exposed by the webapp and collected in a local prometheus instance. A DNS sniffer captures DNS requests passing through the router, in order to cache the likely domain of a given IP address A throttler eBPF is dynamically recompiled based on traffic patterns, and classifies traffic based on a policy. Packets classified into one of the slower bandwidth classes ends up passing through a netem qdisc, which simulates a slower network connection. As "bad" usage continues, the policy is changed until traffic is passing through the equivalent of a 56k modem. I think most people here would probably get the hint and stop scrolling if they were forced to use a telephone-based modem again Deployment Example This diagram shows how I've installed it at home - any device connected to the nethadone AP is subject to throttling: This setup was mainly to have an easy way to get back online if there were issues, but after a couple of weeks of general usage with both desktop and mobile clients, there have been no major issues, apart from the need to restart after 24h or so. Armbian-related TODOs While there are some things that could be better, the tool is working well enough that it has already had a positive impact on my and my wife's usage of a number of sites. My goal is to now make it as user-friendly to set up as possible. One big issue is that Armbian understandably does not enable BTF in the images that ship. The dae project has been a life-saver, providing BTF-enabled kernel builds for a lot of devices for Armbian 23.08. I tried to create a custom image with a BTF-enabled kernel, but had a lot of difficulty getting something bootable and set it aside. I also ran into some kernel configuration issues when attempting to make an older OPI R1 (not plus) work, even with the dae kernels. My gratitude to everyone who helps maintain Armbian and helps on this forum. In the coming weeks as I try to work on making it easier to use this on other devices, I may seek out some advice from forum members on how to work through these issues. For anyone interested in trying it out, or wants to find out more about how to use eBPF on an arm-based device, the code and documentation can be found here: https://github.com/atomic77/nethadone 👋 -Alex
  2. Hye guys. One question regarding the above topic Can I make a swap space to support the RAM activity?
  3. Java UIO provides high performance Java interfaces for Linux Userspace IO. Java UIO was built from the ground up to use modern kernel APIs, libraries and code generation techniques to provide a best of breed cross platform approach. It does not make sense to recreate the wheel like so many other IO libraries. JDK 17 LTS is supported out of the box. I've been committing code to U8g2 that utilizes the same userspace code at the C level and dramatically improved the performance of HW/SW SPI and I2C in the arm-linux port. I also made the arm-linux port thread safe and multi display capable (you can use this in C as well obviously). It made sense to add modularization to the Java Periphery IO library since I can take advantage of the same code generation techniques. I will continue to wrap optimized C libraries moving forward in the same modular fashion. So now you can develop against IO and small displays with one code base in Java.
  4. Hi all. I've done an interview with Igor from Armbian. We talked about the new release that's coming this weekend. And about armbian-next, the new updated build framework.
  5. As ubuntu 22.04 has realy up to date compiler. Is it possible to force armbian to use local copiler? linaro gcc compiler is 8.x but gcc in ubuntu 22.04 is 11.x. Is it possible to force armbian to use local compilers? Or can armbian update gcc to 11. x ??
  6. Recently, a new SBC, the Rock Pi S by Radxa, was launched. Here's it's wiki page: https://wiki.radxa.com/RockpiS It's a 4 core A35 design. I'm debating getting one, but I can't find any information anywhere as to whether or not it's supported on Linux, or Armbian. Of course, if it's not listed in the download section it's not supported, but there's a difference between, "I need to add 100 lines of code and it will work." to "Geez, I need to redesign most of the Linux kernel after pulling my hair out." I did search the sunxi wiki and the local armbian wiki without success. Anyone know anything? Thanks!
  7. I first used Kingston endurance SD card with Armbian Buster image. This failed due some incompability with Odroid N2 UHS implementation, but Sandisk extreme SD card worked with same image. After successful boot runned nand-sata-install to ADATA SP 550NS38 SSD connected using VL817 SATA Adaptor (2109:0715). Upgraded the Debian to Bullseye and installed Mesa 21.2.0 packages from experimental repositories, arm64 firefox-esr and armhf Chromium via multiarch to use widevine extracted from ChromeOS images (local err.ee web broadcasts some programs with widevine encryption). This was in the end of august. It mostly worked, but had 3 weird problems that I think to have solved now having some free time. The USB boot hanged up about half of times after kernel detected the SATA drive. Turns out that UAS is culprit, disabling UAS with usb-storage.quirks=2109:0715:u made it now boot every time without problems (modified /boot/boot.ini). About 2-3 minutes after boot the compositor froze (no matter which - tried Xorg compton, wayland Weston and Wayfire (self compiled). Turns out armbian has /etc/udev/rules.d/hdmi.rules which runs /usr/local/bin/hdmi-hotplug. For some reason the hdmi-hotplug script stalls on my Odroid installation and when systemd finally killed it, something went wrong and the compositors froze. Diverting the hdmi.rules fixed it. This was/is weirdest - when TV connected via HDMI was off and turned on, then sometimes the board would shutdown. Found from auth log "auth.log.1:Dec 25 19:04:59 piix systemd-logind[1641]: Power key pressed." Like WTF, i don't have any "power key" and why it gets invoked when TV is turned on. Set the *Key=ignore in /etc/systemd/logind.conf and it seems fine now, no idea what went wrong there. The kernel even don't have CEC enabled (CONFIG_CEC_MESON_AO and CONFIG_CEC_MESON_G12A_AO are not set for some reason in the armbian kernels). A bit later I also saw 5.15.8-meson64 kernel OOPS "Unable to handle kernel execute from non-executable memory" at regmap_update_bits_base+0x74/0x98, meson_clk_cpu_dyndiv_set_rate+0xf4/0x118. As I hadn't seen this before, downgraded to 5.13.12-meson64. I plan to report the OOPS with full kernel dmesg output, when I'll have a bit more time (probably the https://bugzilla.kernel.org/ would be right place?). Currently it seems to work fine, with the 5.13.12-meson64 kernel and mesa/panfrost 21.2.1-2 (from snapshot.debian.org). Weston is used as Wayland compositor. It is important to note that I have 1080p TV, and all video decoding is done on CPU without using the Amlogic VPU acceleration, as the VPU driver is currently both broken in the kernel and unsupported in unpatched userspace. I expected this when choosing the board. Fortunately the 4xA73@2.4GHz is fast enough for decoding most 1080p videos and panfrost is fine for doing the video output after decoding. AFAIK playing 4K videos is currently not possible on Odroid N2 with mainline kernel and the vendors proprietary VPU decoder isn't supported by any software in open source distributions like Debian. Interesting is that Firefox seems to handle the video decoding pathway better for Youtube in this configuration, while Chromium occasionally stutters on some Youtube videos, these seem to be fine with Firefox. Luckily this seems to not affect the site where I needed widevine (that works only with Chromium in practice). In september widevine upgraded to version needing patched libc. I got patched armhf libc6 package from apt.xbian.org repository. The ALSA configuration is weird, amixer scontrols | wc gives 50 controls, and if misconfigured, then the thing doesn't give any audio output. I found the following script from somewhere that "fixes" it into working state: amixer sset 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 1' amixer sset 'FRDDR_A SRC 1 EN' 'on' amixer sset 'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' 'IN 0' amixer sset 'TOHDMITX I2S SRC' 'I2S B' amixer sset 'TOHDMITX' 'on' amixer sset 'FRDDR_B SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 2' amixer sset 'FRDDR_B SRC 1 EN' 'on' amixer sset 'TDMOUT_C SRC SEL' 'IN 1' amixer sset 'TOACODEC SRC' 'I2S C' amixer sset 'TOACODEC OUT EN' 'on' amixer sset 'TOACODEC Lane Select' '0' amixer sset 'ACODEC' '255' amixer sset 'FRDDR_C SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 3' amixer sset 'FRDDR_C SRC 1 EN' 'on' amixer sset 'SPDIFOUT SRC SEL' 'IN 2' After that ALSA pcm "hw:0,1" output works. I configured dmixed and removed pulseaudio, as it seemed to complicate things with no benefit when mpc and browser run as different users. Armbian is great (couldn't have the board working so well without armbian) and merry holidays for you Hoping this helps others having Odroid N2(+) board.
  8. Finally I got my lcd (some of them) to work with armbian on mainline kernel (5.4) using device tree overlay. It should be working on 4.19 kernel too. I test mine on orange pi zero. The one I am able to get working is ili9341 and st7735 based lcd. I'll add more detail later but for now I'd like to get this out. edit 1 : Adding ssd1306 and nokia 5110 overlay to the repo device tree overlay
  9. Hi, A small discussion started here, but I would like to lift it to here. The question and tests should be. Are there alternatives to Etcher? A must was - standard writing verification. IIRC this was back in the days an option you had to set a 'tick' on Win32 DiskImager.. and so not an option. Before we change anything - proper testing and writing down the steps to achieve a great result is a must. Multiplatform, would be nice, but we can as well recommend 2 or 3 SDcard writing programs. Can you please help to write a table of available programs (you can do a table in the forum, but consider quantity of lines & rows first). And whether or not the software is an equivalent replacement for armbian? Please help us to collect here your knowledge and expericence Of course your recommendation should support the minimum mentioned above - otherwise it is not a recommendation but Spam Thank you in advance for your participation on this challenge
  10. These days i did install on some devices debian buster (via armbian-build-system generated). On the Orange Pi One this did work also fine with the cpu-temperature (showing via armbianmonitor -m) On a Orange Pi PC2 and a NanoPi K1 Plus this doesnt work. First I did think this is a problem of the dev-image with debian buster where /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp doesnt show an output via cat or more - but its filesize does show a 4096 bytes size (also on a working device - and also rights 444 = rrr for the file): -r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 May 20 10:47 temp BUT NOW after a apt update & apt upgrade I also got this "problem" on a NanoPi Neo2 LTS with a stable debian stretch image: Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.85 stable Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 5.1.0-sunxi64 package bsp-kernel[5.86] u-boot[5.85] dtb[5.86] firmware[5.83] config[5.86] with armbianmonitor -m the stretch and buster devices does show the following error: Stop monitoring using [ctrl]-[c] Time CPU load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq CPU 11:14:59: 1008MHz 0.22 7% 4% 2% 0% 0% 0%/usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected and the devices with this error got these - for me - new error messages about thermal in the dmesg: [ 6.727971] OF: /thermal-zones/cpu-thermal: arguments longer than property [ 6.728007] OF: /thermal-zones/cpu-thermal: arguments longer than property armbianmonitor -u for the NanoPi Neo2 LTS: http://ix.io/1JNA root@npi-neo2-24( armbianmonitor -u System diagnosis information will now be uploaded to /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 385: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 386: [: -ge: unary operator expected http://ix.io/1JNA Please post the URL in the forum where you've been asked for.
  11. Hi all, sbc-bench is now on Github: https://github.com/ThomasKaiser/sbc-bench I'll link from the README there to this thread for further discussion about the tool and proper benchmark methodology.
  12. After working with sysfs and libgpiod as cross platform solutions I was wondering if there was a faster way using /dev/mem or mmio? I know this gets more bare metal and SBC specific, but for some things you may want absolute speed. https://opensource.com/life/16/4/bulldog-gpio-library for instance claims 1 MHz GPIO writes in Java. However it only supports 3 SBCs as you can see from https://github.com/SilverThings/bulldog. Is there a more generic way to do this and not lose performance? Using my generated JNA wrappers for libgpiod I get about 2K writes per second. In Python I think it's about 70K using libgpiod Python bindings. I realize you may not always need 1 MHz GPIO writes, but it would be neat to offer this in a more generic way.
  13. Hello, I'm try to setup my OPiZero as mediaplyer, and I need to use it sometimes as WiFi Client - Managed mode and sometimes as WiFi AP - Master mode. Scenario 1 Work in "dual mode", I mean, when my wifi network within reach, then OPiZ start as "client", and connect to my preferred wifi network when wifi network not in range, it start as AP+DHCP (hostapd and dnsmasq) Scenario 2 Switched mode, Make any push button on gpio, and then make scripts "to do the job" .. disconnect from wifi, stop wpa_supplicant, run hostapd an dnsmasq. Has anybody something like "scenrio1" or "scenario2" .. ?? (or my ideas are totally bad ... )
  14. For the last few years I have been working on some hardware projects based on ARM SBCs. Every board I work with seems to have different kernel/overlay/GPIO/etc issues. So my question is - Which SBC, or chipset, has most complete and stable Armbian support? In other words if you had to pick a board to go into battle to run Armbian, without knowing any specific requirements, which SBC would it be?
  15. I would like to know the content of u-boot-s905x-s912 and u-boot-s905x2-s922 at the boot dir. of armbian release . Is there a tool to de-compile these script to plain text ? Sorry if this question had been asked or answered . I didnot find any clues from searching at this forum. Thanks !
  16. The ARM kernel itself has already been compiled. How to compile a ARM kernel module on an VM amd64?
  17. Does anybody have a solution how to charge battery with more conservative voltage range? I'm using battery backup for my CubieTruck boards to survive power outages for several years. And as one of the batteries recently blew up (and also killed the backup HDD next to it) I try to find a way to charge the battery in a range that preserves health of it. When searching for a long-term-save voltage range of LiPo batteries you get something like: use only half of capacity, much below 4V, never deep charge, ... Default setting for the AXP209 charge controller is to charge to 4,2V, and emergency shutdown is at 2,9V. These ranges are much too broad and may damage the battery over the years. Deep discharge protection is quite easy, just use a script to regularly check current voltage and issue a shutdown when too low (no clue, why this is not already handled by the OS): if [ $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/axp20x-battery/status) = Discharging ]; then if [ $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/axp20x-battery/voltage_now) -lt 3200000 ]; then # prevent undervoltage shutdown -h fi fi But target voltage for the charge controller is not that easy to change, as AXP209 only supports 4,1V / 4,15V / 4,2V / 4,36V: echo 4100000 > /sys/class/power_supply/axp20x-battery/voltage_max_design I tried to reduce the charge current with rising voltage to stop charging at some point: echo 300000 > /sys/class/power_supply/axp20x-battery/constant_charge_current_max But the minimum supported value is 300mA, which is still charging and increasing the voltage. Also the charge current can not be increased again after setting a lower value. Does anybody have an idea how to stop charging at some voltage and to resume if it has dropped again below a second threshold?
  18. Hi - Earlier this week ( begin April 2020 ) I found out H5 boards become scarce. I was unable to find the H5 chip at allwinner tech H series section, suppose this will be replaced ? Anyone more info perhaps?
  19. Would there be a way to add a configuration option to armbian-config to disable built-in button being used for shutdown? Currently I have to remove the r_gpio_keys section in the DTB and compile. Seems like something armbian-config could do?
  20. Hi there, I'm currently struggling to get the Cedrus VPU up and running. I have downloaded the specific version from bootlin and got the kernel up and running, however the V3s isn't supported by the Sunxi SRAM driver. This driver is important to get the VPU going. I tried altering the devicetree of the V3s to match a SoC that is somehow similiar, but it clearly failed for obvious reasons. I get this error message: [ 1.035259] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to claim SRAM [ 1.040990] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to probe hardware [ 2.478247] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to claim SRAM [ 2.484047] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to probe hardware [ 2.505765] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to claim SRAM [ 2.511591] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to probe hardware [ 8.595278] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to claim SRAM [ 8.601112] cedrus 1c0e000.video-codec: Failed to probe hardware I tried to understand whats going on in the linux/drivers/soc/sunxi/sunxi_sram.c file to adapt this driver to the V3s, but in the end I don't know how to do that. I hope somebody can help me with that or can give me a hint.
  21. I have got 2x USB 3.0 RTL8156 ethernet dongles using one on my Rockpi4 the other windows client If the rockpi4 is the server speeds are awful [rock@rockpi4 ~]$ iperf3 -s ----------------------------------------------------------- Server listening on 5201 ----------------------------------------------------------- Accepted connection from, port 52620 [ 5] local port 5201 connected to port 52621 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate [ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 56.7 MBytes 475 Mbits/sec [ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 43.7 MBytes 367 Mbits/sec [ 5] 2.00-3.00 sec 46.3 MBytes 388 Mbits/sec [ 5] 3.00-4.00 sec 39.3 MBytes 330 Mbits/sec [ 5] 4.00-5.00 sec 45.2 MBytes 379 Mbits/sec [ 5] 5.00-6.00 sec 38.3 MBytes 321 Mbits/sec [ 5] 6.00-7.00 sec 41.4 MBytes 347 Mbits/sec [ 5] 7.00-8.00 sec 38.0 MBytes 319 Mbits/sec [ 5] 8.00-9.00 sec 42.0 MBytes 353 Mbits/sec [ 5] 9.00-10.00 sec 46.4 MBytes 389 Mbits/sec [ 5] 10.00-10.05 sec 2.29 MBytes 404 Mbits/sec - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate [ 5] 0.00-10.05 sec 440 MBytes 367 Mbits/sec receiver ----------------------------------------------------------- Server listening on 5201 ----------------------------------------------------------- RockPi4 as client [rock@rockpi4 ~]$ iperf3 -c Connecting to host, port 5201 [ 5] local port 38240 connected to port 5201 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd [ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 186 MBytes 1.55 Gbits/sec 0 220 KBytes [ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 190 MBytes 1.60 Gbits/sec 10 212 KBytes [ 5] 2.00-3.00 sec 215 MBytes 1.80 Gbits/sec 0 212 KBytes [ 5] 3.00-4.01 sec 208 MBytes 1.74 Gbits/sec 10 245 KBytes [ 5] 4.01-5.00 sec 180 MBytes 1.52 Gbits/sec 30 212 KBytes [ 5] 5.00-6.00 sec 197 MBytes 1.65 Gbits/sec 10 214 KBytes [ 5] 6.00-7.01 sec 161 MBytes 1.34 Gbits/sec 0 214 KBytes [ 5] 7.01-8.00 sec 137 MBytes 1.15 Gbits/sec 30 214 KBytes [ 5] 8.00-9.01 sec 138 MBytes 1.15 Gbits/sec 20 217 KBytes [ 5] 9.01-10.00 sec 159 MBytes 1.34 Gbits/sec 0 217 KBytes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr [ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 1.73 GBytes 1.48 Gbits/sec 110 sender [ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 1.73 GBytes 1.48 Gbits/sec receiver iperf Done. I prob need to sort some better cabling as my dodgy collection of battered and old ethernet cables made me rummage around until I got 2 half decent ones but I am not sure why client/server should make such a big difference and set speed? If the rockpi4 is the server and the client uses -R then [rock@rockpi4 ~]$ iperf3 -s ----------------------------------------------------------- Server listening on 5201 ----------------------------------------------------------- Accepted connection from, port 52663 [ 5] local port 5201 connected to port 52664 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd [ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 181 MBytes 1.52 Gbits/sec 10 151 KBytes [ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 187 MBytes 1.57 Gbits/sec 20 231 KBytes [ 5] 2.00-3.01 sec 199 MBytes 1.66 Gbits/sec 31 210 KBytes [ 5] 3.01-4.00 sec 204 MBytes 1.71 Gbits/sec 10 155 KBytes [ 5] 4.00-5.01 sec 184 MBytes 1.54 Gbits/sec 124 212 KBytes [ 5] 5.01-6.01 sec 205 MBytes 1.72 Gbits/sec 0 212 KBytes [ 5] 6.01-7.00 sec 187 MBytes 1.58 Gbits/sec 20 214 KBytes [ 5] 7.00-8.01 sec 207 MBytes 1.73 Gbits/sec 10 238 KBytes [ 5] 8.01-9.01 sec 198 MBytes 1.67 Gbits/sec 11 212 KBytes [ 5] 9.01-10.00 sec 182 MBytes 1.53 Gbits/sec 30 230 KBytes [ 5] 10.00-10.04 sec 8.15 MBytes 1.85 Gbits/sec 0 230 KBytes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr [ 5] 0.00-10.04 sec 1.90 GBytes 1.62 Gbits/sec 266 sender ----------------------------------------------------------- Server listening on 5201 Confused as it can but why not as the server? Anyone know more about iperf and networking than obviously me I prob need to get some better cabling as had a mare with some cables that just where not liked even though just 2.5g Also any tweaks or tips on network and packet settings to get the most and lower overhead?
  22. Fun stuff - and something that's kept me offline/busy for the last few weeks... # uname -a Linux blaster 3.4.0 #1 PREEMPT Wed May 13 14:43:07 PDT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux # cat /proc/cpuinfo Processor : ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l) BogoMIPS : 586.13 Features : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 7 CPU variant : 0x1 CPU part : 0x00f CPU revision : 2 Hint - it's old enough not to have a device-tree... actually, in CPU years, it's old enough to vote/drink, and in dog-years, it's probably dead. I'll sent $20USD and a possible job offer if you can ID the specific chip... No @Igor, you don't get to play here
  23. <smaeul> scanning bus dwc3@5200000 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found <smaeul> wooo, got USB3 boot working on H6 :D patchset at https://github.com/smaeul/u-boot/commits/h6-dwc3 Just catched this on #linux-sunxi IRC channel. I do not have a H6 board to test this but maybe someone else wanna give it a shot.
  24. Looking to find out why the Orange Pi OS Build isn't finding this file. Tried on two separate Linux 18.04 OS and neither has this file. When running Build_OrangePi.sh, right after entering the initial password, it drops out and claims the file lib32z1-dev not locate able. The only thing I can think is I need to install the SDK to build the OrangePi OS for this? Trying to do this from the Orange Pi Git Hub. https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/OrangePi_Build Thanks for any help.
  25. Ever since patchfolders were created for different branches and different board families it has become more and more a nightmare to maintain these folders and keep them clean. Instead of taking the approach to clear one or more of these folders by myself, last but not least due to lack of necessary skills, I was thinking maybe I can provide some tools that make such tasks a little easier for somebody else. Last but not least was (and still is) this a perfect opportunity to pratice with my quite new Python skills. https://github.com/EvilOlaf/refactorpatches What this script basically does is break down all patches in a certain folder and check which files are targeted by each individual diff (if you choose to split them up) and sort the output by the target file. This way it should be an easy thing to merge patches that affect the same file and therefore it is no longer necessary to take care about the order to apply them. Requirements from apt: patchutils, python3 Requirements from Pypi: none but just make sure the prettytable.py is in the same folder as main refactor.py. I have tested this with random patch folders for kernel patches and for what it is expected to do at the current state it seems to just work as it should. There is still a ton of room for improvements. Let me know what do you think or if it is useful at all. Even if it is not I had fun coding and using Python
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