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OrangePIPC+ with 4.9.0 kernel + systemctl removed !


Everything work well .... good job my friend...


At this moment we insert armbian modded in my emmec (8GB) memory, 5800MB os with no error on format BTRFS and copying file in current progress !


Happy new years my friend !


None. Anything that helps reducing load is helpful.

I know you weren't talking about server load, but I wanted to ask, is there a particular reason Armbian doesn't provide magnet links for downloading images? It's pretty simple to generate them automatically (mktorrent) and it's possible to include web seeds (http sources) as well.


Back to topic. We finally manage to establish and test a system, which should help conduct the process of testing. First stage is to fill out as much boards as possible. You will get actual call for testing once in next 1-2 weeks and than at next release ..., when we decide to move release in its testing phase. But now we need to know who will actually step in.


@jeanrhum @wildcat_paris @mrneilypops @Zammy @manuti @Nixes @Jimmy Belanger - you all were saying something in this post :)

... and of course anyone, that has spare board, time and wish for doing this.


Already claimed:
- Nanopi Neo


Ideally is to cover all, but Cubieboard2, Olimex eMMC, OPi PC, Pine64, Pcduino2, Pcduino3 have some more priority since I or core crew don't have them.

We need your email, nothing else. I can use the one from forum so just say: "I can test Pine64 and Odroid C2" via private message to me or @Tido or you can just announce this loud. Then you will be invited into the system via email.


  • I do have an OPi PC, so I'll try to test it if needed, though all H3 Oranges are pretty much the same and there weren't any significant changes in the legacy kernel.

I would put at higher priority these boards: Pine64 (to test for any boot problems like in GH issue #502), Lamobo R1 (DSA b53 driver on mainline kernel aka GH issue #511), Orange Pi Zero (mostly for wireless situation feedback), Odroid XU4 (to confirm that ext4 support is stable in u-boot)


Back to topic. We finally manage to establish and test a system, which should help conduct the process of testing. First stage is to fill out as much boards as possible. You will get actual call for testing once in next 1-2 weeks and than at next release ..., when we decide to move release in its testing phase. But now we need to know who will actually step in.


@jeanrhum @wildcat_paris @mrneilypops @Zammy @manuti @Nixes @Jimmy Belanger - you all were saying something in this post :)

... and of course anyone, that has spare board, time and wish for doing this.

Really proud to be part of this!


I have OPiOne, OPiLite and Beelink X2 with on-board Wi-Fi RTL8189ES. 

I think in test Beelink X2 because the OPiOne and Lite are quite popular but if at the end of this recruitment these boards are orphans I can addopt another one.


As answered to Tido via PM, I can also test images for my board (see my signature). My priorities are pine64 legacy with desktop experience and mainline and also H3 board with mainline kernel.


I made a test on my banana pro with latest beta image (4.9.0).


In alsamixer, the card is labelled sun4i-codec and it does not show any pcm output, only Power Amplifier and DAC items. There is no other device listed.


When testing the sound output with: speaker-test - Dplug:front -c2, like described in man page. It fails with message relating to pcm.c in Alsa lib about unknown PCM card cards.pcm.front. Without specifying front, i got missing field pcm also within pcm.c.


In alsamixer, the card is labelled sun4i-codec and it does not show any pcm output, only Power Amplifier and DAC items. There is no other device listed.

This is normal, it was like this before (though some widgets were renamed recently)


When testing the sound output with: speaker-test - Dplug:front -c2, like described in man page. It fails with message relating to pcm.c in Alsa lib about unknown PCM card cards.pcm.front. Without specifying front, i got missing field pcm also within pcm.c.

I tested it with something like "speaker-test -c 2 -D hw:0" (assuming that sun4i-codec is listed as card 0 in "aplay -l" output) and with an mpv (which worked fine before the kernel upgrade), and it hangs for a while and fails like this:

➜  ~  % LANG=en speaker-test -c 2 -D hw:0

speaker-test 1.1.2

Playback device is hw:0
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels
Using 16 octaves of pink noise
Rate set to 48000Hz (requested 48000Hz)
Buffer size range from 128 to 131072
Period size range from 64 to 16384
Using max buffer size 131072
Periods = 4
was set period_size = 16384
was set buffer_size = 131072
 0 - Front Left
 1 - Front Right
Write error: -5,Input/output error
xrun_recovery failed: -5,Input/output error
Transfer failed: Input/output error
➜  ~  %

I really hope it's not a clocks or DMA issue, but before I spend half a day bisecting it, I would like somebody to confirm that it's broken not only for me.


Edit: nevermind, after playing some more with mixer configuration it works (apart from a channel inversion bug). So we need to supply new asound.state by default now.


As for previous versions, the current desktop has several bugs with gtk elements: several items within windows like checkboxes are not visible until checked. Obviously, it makes it difficult to select the corresponding items (eg: show password of the wireless connection window or other some items of the download window within firefox).

I was able to reproduce this on PC2 Xenial desktop build, and looks like our custom theme NumixHolo produces this issue, so it needs to be replaced with something else.




I saw several urls referencing nightlies/test images when looking at different posts within the forum:


- https://image.armbian.com/betaimages/

- https://dl.armbian.com/*boardname*/



Which one should be used? or maybe should I have to build one from my own (following the first post recommandations to use dev target)?

If the second url is to be used, maybe the 1rst post of this topic should be updated to be consistent with nightly images referenced in the download page of each board.


dl.armbian.com is the main archive, image.armbian.com is obsolete and will be replaced with a redirect to dl.armbian.com

If you want a test image for PC2 with Docker support you should probably build one, otherwise you can use prebuilt nightlies.

dl.armbian.com is the main archive, image.armbian.com is obsolete and will be replaced with a redirect to dl.armbian.com




404 is now redirected to dl.armbian.com so no more errors.



Not sure it's the right topic what about:

Having the /lib/modules/ *.ko files  in compressed form *.gz ?

Having an initial .bash_history  file with useful newbies commands like armbianmonitor -m , etc ?

In fact I found by accident that some other orangePI distributions had some forgotten instructive things there.

This gave me the idea :)


Having an initial .bash_history  file with useful newbies commands like armbianmonitor -m , etc ?

In fact I found by accident that some other orangePI distributions had some forgotten instructive things there.

IMO this is useless by default, but adding Armbian-specific tips in MOTD (based on "random quote of the day" or similar plugins) may be a good idea.




Like this?



random_line=$(shuf -i 1-$(wc -l < $quotes) -n 1)
quote=$(sed -n -e "$random_line"p $quotes)
echo -e "\e[93mTip of the day:\e[39m $quote\n"

Like this?

Exactly, we just need to assemble a list of board-inspecific and board-specific tips and pack them into the board support package. These can include custom commands, links to specific documentation bits or some generic tips.




I would like to provide test/nightly builds for the:


  • Orange Pi+ 2e  (the Xunlong sample from 2016)
  • Orange Pi PC 2 (the newer 64-bit H5 version of the Orange Pi PC)


Best regards,






A small feedback on the nightly releases;





(this also applies to Armbian_5.25.170210_Odroidc2_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.14.79)


Image installation to 64GB eMMC [Hardkernel]

Etcher image util


Reboot problem


After a fresh install;

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade


FIle system is 'r' read only


short fix requires;

shutdown...not restart!

hard power restart

file system is 'rw' read/write :D  


long fix??

I have modified /etc/fstab and removed;


??? Is this safe???


I have rw permissions after several reboots...


Other than the above all is stable at this time...







A small feedback on the nightly releases;





(this also applies to Armbian_5.25.170210_Odroidc2_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.14.79)


Image installation to 64GB eMMC [Hardkernel]

Etcher image util


Reboot problem


After a fresh install;

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade


FIle system is 'r' read only


short fix requires;

shutdown...not restart!

hard power restart

file system is 'rw' read/write :D  


long fix??

I have modified /etc/fstab and removed;


??? Is this safe???


I have rw permissions after several reboots...


Other than the above all is stable at this time...






The nightly releases for the sun8i boards still say kernel version 4.9.4 while the download says 4.10.


Haven't checked all of the boards, but at least these are wrong:

Orangepi PC

Orangepi Zero




I would like to provide test/nightly builds for the:

  • Orange Pi+ 2e (the Xunlong sample from 2016)
  • Orange Pi PC 2 (the newer 64-bit H5 version of the Orange Pi PC)

Best regards,



I would like to install your test.
Please provide me



Last weekend, I've built and upgraded almost all my boards (2E/PC/PC+/Zero) and they are all on 4.10 now.

Please provide me your build image for oPi+2e.




@ArmbianCollab administrator - could you add new task with Orange PI 2 and assign it for me, please? Subtasks could be somehow standard: ethernet, wifi, shutdown, cpufreq/dvfs, etc.

I'd like to make some fixes for OPI 2 (headless) in my spare time...:)

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